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PeopleSoft CRM Call Center Reports: A to Z

The tables in this topic list the PeopleSoft Support and PeopleSoft HelpDesk reports, sorted by report ID.

For more information about running these reports, refer to:

For samples of these reports, see the Report Samples that are published with this online documentation.

This topic discusses:

Note: For most reports the query name and report name are the same. If the query name is different, it appears in the Report ID and Report Name column. Unless otherwise noted, the from date and through date for the cases included in a report refer to the case creation date.

Report ID and Report Name



Run Control Page


HelpDesk Cases By Agent

This report categorizes cases according to the agents to whom the case is assigned. For each case, the report shows the case ID, status, priority, contact name, date created, and subject.

select HelpDesk, then select Reports, then select Case By Agent, then select HelpDesk Case By Agent



HelpDesk Cases By Department

This report lists the departments that have reported cases. For each department, the report shows the number of cases reported.

select HelpDesk, then select Reports, then select Case By Department, then select HelpDesk Case By Department



HelpDesk Case By Priority (RC_CASES_BY_PRIORITY)

This report provides a list of cases ordered by priority and gives the total number of cases for each priority. For each case, the report shows the priority, case ID, status, department, reported by, date created, and assigned to agent.

select HelpDesk, then select Reports, then select Case By Priority, then select HelpDesk Case By Priority



HelpDesk Cases By Type

This report provides a list of cases categorized and subtotaled by case type. For each case, the report shows the case ID, priority, status, caller name, date created, and assigned to.

select HelpDesk, then select Reports, then select Case By Type, then select HelpDesk Case By Type



HelpDesk Cases By Status

This report lists case statuses and gives the number of cases with each status.

select HelpDesk, then select Reports, then select Case By Status, then select HelpDesk Case By Status



HelpDesk Case By Category/Type/Detail (HDBYCATETYDET)

This report groups cases by category and provides the total number of cases for each category. For each case, the report shows the case ID, category, type, detail, creation date, caller name, status, and summary.

select HelpDesk, then select Reports, then select Case By Category/Type/Detail, then select HelpDesk Case By Category/Type/Detail



HelpDesk Case Information

This report provides detailed information for cases, including most of the data shown in the case component.

select HelpDesk, then select Reports, then select Case Information, then select HelpDesk Case Information



HelpDesk Cases Status By Agent

This report lists agents to whom cases have been assigned. For each agent, the report shows the agent's ID and name and the number of open cases for that agent in total and broken out by case status.

select HelpDesk, then select Reports, then select Case Status By Agent, then select HelpDesk Case Status By Agent



HelpDesk Time To Close By Agent (RC_CLOSEBYAGENT)

This report lists agents who have been assigned cases. For each agent, the report shows the agent's ID and name, a list of the agent's closed cases, the total number of cases closed, and the average number of days to close. The case shows the case ID, priority, date opened, date closed, and days to close.

select HelpDesk, then select Reports, then select Time To Close By Agent, then select HelpDesk Time To Close By Agent



HelpDesk Cases By Employee

This report lists employees who have reported cases. For each employee, the report shows the number of cases opened.

select HelpDesk, then select Reports, then select Case By Employee, then select HelpDesk Case By Employee



HelpDesk Cases by Business Project

This report lists business projects that have been used in cases. For each business project, the report shows the number of cases where the business project was used.

select HelpDesk, then select Reports, then select Case By Business Projects, then select HelpDesk Case By Business Projects



HelpDesk Employees With Case

This report lists employees who opened cases during the specified time period. For each employee, the report provides a name, location, department, telephone number with extension, and email address. No case information appears on this report.

select HelpDesk, then select Reports, then select Employees with Case, then select HelpDesk Employees With Case


Report ID and Report Name



Run Control Page


Agreement Type Statistics (RCC_3007)

This report provides statistics for agreements used during a specified date range, including the number of cases opened, the number of cases closed and the average time to close in days and in hours.

select Support, then select Reports, then select Agreement Statistics, then select Agreement Statistics



Case Information

This report provides detailed information for cases, including most of the data shown in the case component.

select Support, then select Reports, then select Support Case Information, then select Case Information



Case by Age

This report categorizes cases by creation date and then by customer. For each case, the report shows the case ID, priority, status, case type, contact name, assigned to agent, and subject.

select Support, then select Reports, then select Cases By Age, then select Cases By Age



Cases by Agent (RC_CASESBYAGENT)

This report lists agents to whom cases have been assigned. For each agent, the report shows the agent's name and the number of cases assigned to the agent, opened by the agent, and closed by the agent. The report also provides the average time to close (in days and hours) for cases that the agent closed.

select Support, then select Reports, then select Cases By Agent, then select Cases By Agent



Cases by Customer

This report categorizes cases by customer. For each case, the report shows the case ID, priority, status, product ID, case type, contact name, date created, assigned to agent, and subject.

select Support, then select Reports, then select Cases By Customer, then select Cases By Customer



Cases by Priority

This report categorizes cases by priority and status, then by customer. For each case, the report shows the case ID, case type, date created, and subject.

select Support, then select Reports, then select Cases By Priority, then select Cases by Priority



Cases by Product

This report categorizes cases by product. For each case, the report shows the product ID, case ID, priority, status, case type, contact name, date created, assigned to agent, and subject.

select Support, then select Reports, then select Cases By Product, then select Cases by Product



Cases by Type

This report categorizes cases by case type. For each case, the report shows the case ID, priority, status, contact name, date created, assigned to agent, and subject.

select Support, then select Reports, then select Cases by Type, then select Cases By Type



Cases Reopened

This report lists cases that have been reopened. For each case, the report shows the case ID, the date the case was reopened, and the user who reopened the case.

Note: This report requires that the Case Re-Opened policy be activated in the Predictive Analytics Framework definition.

select Support, then select Reports, then select Cases Reopened, then select Cases Reopened



Support Agreement Usage

This report lists agreements that have been associated with cases. Agreements are categorized by customer. For each agreement, the report shows the agreement code, the start date, the end date, and the number of cases that are associated with that agreement.

select Support, then select Reports, then select Support Agreement Dates, then select Support Agreement Dates


Report ID and Report Name



Run Control Page


Solutions Usage

This report lists solutions that were used in cases created during the specified date range. For each solution, the report shows the solution usage count, solved count, and success rate.

select Solutions, then select Reports, then select Solutions Usage, then select Solutions Usage



Top Ten Solutions by Product

For each included product, this report lists the ten solutions that most often resolved cases that were created during the specified date range. For each solution, the report shows the number of cases solved for that product.

select Solutions, then select Reports, then select Top Ten Solutions by Product, then select Top Ten Solutions by Product