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Associating Solutions with Reasons for Closing Cases

This topic discusses how to associate solutions with reasons for closing cases.

Page Name

Definition Name


Reason and Solution Link Page


Identify the solutions that users can select from to close cases through self-service applications.

Use the Reason and Solution Link page (RC_REASON_SOLN) to identify the solutions that users can select from to close cases through self-service applications.

Image: Reason and Solution Link page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Reason and Solution Link page.

Reason and Solution Link page

Field or Control


Reason Code

Displays all the reasons of the type Reason Closed that you have set up for this setID. These are the reasons that a self-service application user can select from when closing a case.

Solution ID

Select the solution that represents the reason a user may close a case. When a self-service application user closes a case and selects a reason, the associated solution is added to the case as a resolution with this status: Successful Resolution.

If a reason does not have an associated solution, then the first time that a self-service application user closes a case with that reason, the system creates a Canned solution and associates it with that reason. The next time that reason is used, the solution that was previously created is used.