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Integrating with Third-Party Asset Management Applications

PeopleSoft HelpDesk gives IT support personnel the ability to pass case information to a third-party asset management application in the performance of asset management tasks. Assets can be any network-connected device, such as a computer, peripheral, or router.

PeopleSoft HelpDesk provides the framework to launch the third-party application from the case toolbar and from the Related Actions sections. PeopleSoft HelpDesk has two toolbar buttons—one for Asset Discovery and one for Remote Control. These buttons launch a third-party asset management application and pass information specific to the case to the third-party applications. The information from the case is passed in the URL. Case information that is passed is typically a person or asset ID, such as employee ID number or the asset tag.

The system captures the date and time when an agent launches the asset management application on the Related Actions page.

To set up case information transfer: