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Viewing the Self-Service Pagelets

You can personalize the appearance of the pagelets in the self-service home page. You can define the the position of the pagelets and select the pagelets that need to be displayed on the home page. This topic illustrates how to personalize the pagelets and also describes the features in the pagelets.

A guest user has limited access to the Support self-service home page. A guest user is applicable only to Support and Higher Education verticals. The guest user can view the following pagelets:

This topic discusses how to view additional self-service home page content.

Page Name

Definition Name


Search Here for Answers Pagelet

(not applicable)

Search by keyword and browse through content.

Search Page


View content related to the search keyword or category.

Top Solutions Pagelet

(not applicable)

View a list of top solutions selected by the Administrator, if any.

Solution Details Page


View the summary, symptoms, and details of the solution.

FAQ Pagelet

(not applicable)

View a list of the top FAQ selected by the Administrator.

Frequently Asked Question Page


View the details of an FAQ.

Known Issues Pagelet

(not applicable)

View global cases. Global cases are cases that impact multiple users and have been marked as Global.

Known Issues Page


View a list of all known issues.

My Recent Cases Pagelet

(not applicable)

View the most recent cases created for the self service user across all Business Units.

Discussion Forums Pagelet

(not applicable)

View and participate in discussions.

Shortcuts Pagelet

(not applicable)

View links to commonly used components in HCM, EBS, or Campus Solutions. A sample set is available for each pillar. The Administrator can configure their own set of shortcuts. Shortcuts are applicable only to HR Service Center and Campus Service Center Home Pages. The Shortcuts pagelet is called the HR Shortcuts pagelet in the HR Service Center and called Campus Shortcuts for Campus Service Center.

Quick Links Pagelet

(not applicable)

View a list of quick links to access various features.

Use the Search Here for Answers pagelet to search by keyword and browse through content.

Image: Search Here for Answers pagelet

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Search Here for Answers pagelet.

Search Here for Answers pagelet

Field or Control


Search icon

Type a keyword in the search field and click the Search icon. Search results are displayed in the Search page. You can further drill down the search results by using one or more facets displayed in the Filter by section displayed to the left of the Search Results.


Facets categorize available content. You can use the links listed in a facet to browse through content, for e.g. Solutions link under the Browse by Content Type facet. Facets appear based on availability of the content type in the search results.

Use the Search page (RC_SS_SOLNSRCH) to view content related to the search keyword or category.

Image: Search page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Search page.

Search page

When you perform a keyword search or browse by facets the results are displayed in a new page. The results display Solutions, FAQ, Known Issues, and Troubleshooting Guides. You can click the relevant link to view the Solution, FAQ, or Known Issue details. The content type is displayed in the last line. Only content specific to the Display Template Family’s Business Units is displayed in the search results. If the user has BU security set up, only content relevant to the Business Units that the user can access will be displayed in the search results.

For keyword based search, the search results are sorted by the SES score in descending order of score. The least score for which the results are displayed is defined by the administrator.

Field or Control


New icon

This is determined by the number of days a solution is considered to be new as defined in the Call Center setup for Business Unit.

Top Solution icon

This icon is displayed for any solution that an Administrator has marked as a top solution to be shown in the Top Solutions pagelet on the Home Page.

Failed Solution icon

A solution is considered to be failed if the user clicks on the No button on the solution for the question “Did this resolve your issue?” If the user performs a new search in the same session (before logging off and logging back in) and it brings up a solution that the user had marked as failed resolution in that session, this icon will still be displayed.

Successful Solution icon

A solution is considered to be successful if the user clicks on the Yes button on the solution for the question “Did this resolve your issue?” If the user performs a new search in the same session (before logging off and logging back in) and it brings up a solution that the user had marked as a successful resolution in that session, this icon will still be displayed.

Viewed icon

A search result is considered to be viewed if the user drills into a search result. If the user performs a new search in the same session (before logging off and logging back in) and it brings up content that the user had already viewed, this icon will still be displayed. The existing icon for any search result will be changed to Viewed once the result is viewed. The icon for a failed solution will not be changed to Viewed if the user views the solution again.

No icon

A solution that is not new or top or failed or viewed is displayed without any icon. FAQ and Known Issues that are not viewed is displayed without any icon. However, if the user views the failed solution again and submits feedback that the solution worked, the icon will be changed to Successful.

Remove Filter icon

Bread crumbs with the search criteria are displayed above the search results. You can click the Remove Filter icon to the right of a filter displayed in the bread crumb to remove the filter.

Clear All Filters

Click this link to clear all applied filters from the search results.


You can type a new keyword in the Search field and click the Search button to perform a new search. All applied filters are removed.

<Self-Service> Service Center

Click this link to go back to the home page.

Create Case

If you do not find an appropriate solution, you can click the Create Case link to log a case.


Use the facets on the left to drill down further into the results.

Advanced Search

Click this link to search for solutions using additional criteria.

Use the Top Solutions pagelet to view a list of top solutions selected by the Administrator, if any.

Image: Top Solutions pagelet

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Top Solutions pagelet.

Top Solutions pagelet

You can click a Solution link to view the Solution Details page.

Use the Solution Details page (RC_SS_SOLNDTLS) to view the summary, symptoms, and details of the solution.

Image: Solution Details page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Solution Details page.

Solution Details page

Field or Control


Email Solution

This button enables the user to email the solution.

Yes No

Use these buttons to indicate if the solution resolved your issue.

Use the FAQ pagelet to view a list of the top FAQ selected by the Administrator.

Image: FAQ pagelet

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FAQ pagelet.

FAQ pagelet

Field or Control



Click an FAQ link to view the details of the FAQ in the Frequently Asked Question page. The FAQ details for the selected FAQ are highlighted in the Frequently Asked Question page.

View All

You can click the View All link to view all FAQ in the Frequently Asked Question page.

You can click an FAQ link to view the description of the FAQ.

Use the Frequently Asked Question page (RC_FAQ_DETAILS_SS) to view the details of an FAQ.

Image: Frequently Asked Question page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the controls on the Frequently Asked Question page (1 of 2).

Frequently Asked Question page (1 of 2)

Image: Frequently Asked Question page (1 of 2) with the FAQ highlighted

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Frequently Asked Question page (2 of 2).

Frequently Asked Question page (2 of 2)

Frequently Asked Questions is a single scrollable page that contains a list of all FAQs on the top within the individual topics (or solutions libraries). This list displays only the questions. The bottom portion of the page displays all FAQs with the questions and answers. When the user clicks on any FAQ in the list on top of the page, the page scrolls to the section that the FAQ belongs to. The selected FAQ is positioned on top of the page.

The users can alternately click the FAQ link in Quick Links pagelet to get to the FAQ and can click the <Home Page> Service Center link to go back to the home page.

Use the Known Issues pagelet to view global cases. Global cases are cases that impact multiple users and have been marked as Global.

Image: Known Issues pagelet

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Known Issues pagelet.

Known Issues pagelet

Field or Control


Known Issue

The Known Issues pagelet displays 5 most recent cases that have been made accessible to self service users. Click a known issue link to view the Case <ID> page.

View All

Click the View All link to view a list of all known issues in the Known Issues page.

Use the Known Issues page (RC_KNOWN_ISSUES_SS) to view a list of all known issues.

Image: Known Issues page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Known Issues page.

Known Issues page

Field or Control


Notify Me

Select the check box for a case to receive notifications about the case progress.

Use the Recent Cases pagelet to view the most recent cases created for the self service user across all Business Units.

Image: My Recent Cases pagelet

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the My Recent Cases pagelet.

My Recent Cases pagelet

The My Recent Cases pagelet displays a maximum of 5 cases and displays the Case ID, Case Summary, and Case Status for each case. The pagelet displays the cases created by the logged in user, an agent, or cases created by another user on behalf of the logged in user.

Field or Control


Link Case

Click the Link Case link to view case details in the Case <ID> page.

Find Cases

Click the Find Cases link to view the Find Cases page. See the <placeholder> topic for more information about the Find Cases page. The Find Cases page allows you to perform a search based on predefined search criteria.

Use the Discussion Forums pagelet to view and participate in discussions.

Users can be a member of one or more communities in the Enterprise Portal. The discussion forums pagelet displays the most recent discussion across all communities that the user belongs to.

Note: PeopleSoft CRM does not deliver a pagelet definition for Discussion Forum. See PeopleSoft HCM 9.1: Viewing Discussion Forum Pagelets within Your Application [ID 1480882.1] in the My Oracle Support website for more information on implementing the Discussion Forum pagelet.

Use the Shortcuts pagelet to view links to commonly used components in HCM, EBS, or Campus Solutions. A sample set is available for each pillar. The Administrator can configure their own set of shortcuts. Shortcuts are applicable only to HR Service Center and Campus Service Center Home Pages. The Shortcuts pagelet is called the HR Shortcuts pagelet in the HR Service Center and called Campus Shortcuts for Campus Service Center.

Image: HR Service Center - HR Shortcuts pagelet

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the HR Service Center - HR Shortcuts pagelet.

HR Service Center Action Links (HR Shortcuts) pagelet

The following table lists the category, action, and navigation path of links on the HR Service Center - HR Shortcuts pagelet in PeopleSoft HCM 9.2, 9.1, and 9.0.

All shortcuts in the table have been delivered for 9.2. However, only the shortcuts marked Y are displayed in the delivered HR Shortcuts pagelet. For example, the Manager Dashboard link is displayed only if the logged-on user is a manager.




HCM 9.2

HCM 9.1

HCM 9.0

Personal Information

Personal Information

select Self Service, then select Personal




Personal Information



Job Related

Company Directory

select Company Directory



Job Related

Manager Dashboard

select Manager Dashboard



Job Related

Absence Request

select Self Service, then select Time Reporting, then select Report Time, then select Absence Request




Job Related

Performance Documents

select Self Service, then select Performance Management, then select My Performance Management, then select Current Documents




Job Related

Learning Home

(New in 9.2)



Job Related


select Self Service, then select Time Reporting , then select Report Time, then select Timesheet




Job Related

My Career Profile

select Self Service, then select Career Planning, then select My Profile





View Paycheck

select Self Service , then select Payroll and Compensation, then select View Paycheck





Compensation History

select Self Service, then select Payroll and Compensation, then select Compensation History





Stock Options Summary

select Self Service, then select Stock Activity, then select Stock Option Summary





Benefits Summary

select Self Service, then select Benefits, then select Benefits Summary





Dependents/Beneficiary Information

select Self Service, then select Benefits, then select Dependents/Beneficiary Info




The following shortcuts are delivered with the EBS integration for the pagelet HR Shortcuts on the HR Helpdesk home page:

  • Person Details

  • Payslip

  • Total Compensation

  • Absence Management

  • Benefits Summary

Campus Solutions shortcuts have been delivered only for the CS 9.0 release. The following shortcuts are delivered for in the pagelet Campus Shortcuts on the Higher Education dashboard:

For Student:

  • Student Center (select Self Service, then select Student Center)

  • Personal Data Summary (select Self Service, then select Campus Personal Information, then select Personal Data Summary)

  • Request Admissions Information (select Self Service, then select Student Admission, then select Request Information)

  • Community Directory (select Self Service, then select Community Directory Search)

For Faculty:

  • Personal Information (Self Service > Campus Personal Information > Personal Data Summary)

  • Faculty Center (Self Service > My Schedule)

If a user has both roles – student and worker – then all the above shortcuts are displayed for that user.

Image: Campus Service Center - Campus Shortcuts pagelet

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Campus Service Center - Campus Shortcuts pagelet.

Campus Service Center Action Links (Campus Shortcuts) pagelet

Use the Quick Links pagelet to view a list of quick links to access various features.

Image: Quick Links pagelet

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Quick Links pagelet.

Quick Links pagelet

The Quick Links pagelet lists the quick links to access the features that are listed in the table below. The table also indicates the Service Center to which the feature is applicable.

The following table lists the Quick Links and their availability in the different home pages.


HR Service Center

IT Service Center

Customer Service Center

Campus Service Center

Troubleshooting Guide










Find Cases





Create Case





Email Agent





Chat with Agent





Add Change Request




Manage Change Request




Internal Contact




Customer Selection



HCM Employee Self-Service



HCM Manager Self-Service
