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Understanding Call Reports

Sales call reports document a contact event such as a meeting, demonstration, or phone call. They are always produced after the event and are follow-up memos documenting the attendees, what took place during the event, and any follow-up tasks.

You can view or add call reports directly to a company, consumer, contact, lead, opportunity, or task from the Call Reports tab on these components. When you add a call report to a lead, opportunity, or task, the call report is linked to the customer for the lead, opportunity, or task.

You can view call reports for a customer or contact from the Call Reports tab on the Customer 360-Degree View page or access call reports directly from the left hand navigation. If you have licensed PeopleSoft CRM Portal Pack, you can view your own call reports in the My Call Reports pagelet that you can add to your home page by using the Personalize link

See PeopleSoft Portal Pack .