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Creating Standard Notes and Product Notes

This topic discusses how to create standard notes and product notes.

Page Name

Definition Name


Standard Notes Page


Create a standard note.

Product Notes Page


Create product notes.

Use the Standard Notes page (STD_NOTE) to create a standard note.

Image: Standard Notes page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Standard Notes page.

Standard Notes page

Field or Control



Enter up to 256 characters of text. You can modify the text, but you cannot have more than one entry.

Search Key Words

Enter keywords to select notes for reporting.

Print On Document

Not applicable to standard notes.

Use the Product Notes page (PROD_NOTE) to create product notes.

Image: Product Notes page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Product Notes page.

Product Notes page

Field or Control


Search Key Words

Enter keywords to select notes for reporting.

Print On Documents

Not applicable for product notes.