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Maintaining Contact Address Books

This topic discusses how to maintain contact address books.

Page Name

Definition Name


Address Book - View Addresses Page


Review addresses that are associated with the customer.

Address Book - View Contacts Page


Review contacts that are associated with the customer.

Address Book - Customer's Primary Information Page


Review default contacts and addresses that are used for specific purposes.

Address Book - Create New Address Page


Add a new address for a contact.

Address Book - Create New Contact Page


Create new contacts or new addresses for the customer.

Address Book - Select Contact Page


Select new primary contacts for the roles that appear on the Address Book - Customer's Primary Information page and to copy the contacts into new address book entries.

Address Book (New Address) - Select Address Page


Select new primary addresses for the address roles that appear on the Address Book - Customer's Primary Information page and copy the addresses into new address book entries.

Address Book - Contact Information Page


Edit an existing contact's information.

Address Book - Create New Address Page


Add a new address for a customer. You do not need to associate the address with a specific contact.

Address Book - Update Address Page


Modify existing addresses.

Delete Confirmation Page


Confirm that you want to delete an address or contact. A deleted address is removed from the contact's address book but remains in the system with an end date that is equal to the date on which it was deleted.

Use the Address Book - View addresses page (RX_ADR_CUST_INFO) to review addresses that are associated with the customer.

Image: Address Book - View Addresses page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Address Book - View Addresses page.

Address Book: View Addresses page

Addresses that are associated with the customer appear on this page. If the address is associated with a specific site, the site name appears as well.

Field or Control


Address Filter

Select Show all addresses, Show billing addresses, Show install-to site addresses, Show shipping addresses, or Show sold-to addresses.

Billing, Shipping, and Sold To

Primary appears in the appropriate column for the primary billing, shipping, and sold-to addresses. Yes appears in the appropriate column for additional addresses. To change a company's primary addresses, access the Address Book - Customer's Primary Information page.

Deleting Addresses

When you click the Delete link for an address, the Delete Confirmation page appears.

If the address is associated with a contact, you can select whether to delete the address for all contacts who use this address or only for the current contact.

If you delete the address for all contacts but the address is a default bill to, ship to, or sell-to address, the system does not delete the address. Instead, the system removes any associations that contacts have to this address.

Use the Address Book - View Contacts page (RX_ADR_CUST_CNTCT) review contacts that are associated with the customer.

Image: Address Book - View Contacts page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Address Book - View Contacts page.

Address Book: View Contacts page

Contacts who are associated with the customer appear on this page.

Field or Control


Billing, Shipping, and Sold To

Primary appears in the appropriate column for the primary billing, shipping, and sold-to contacts. Yes appears in the appropriate column for additional contacts. To change a customer's primary contacts, access the Address Book - Customer's Primary Information page.

Use the Address Book - Customer's Primary Information page (RX_ADR_CUST_DFLTS) to review default contacts and addresses that are used for specific purposes.

Image: Address Book -: Customer's Primary Information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Address Book - Customer's Primary Information page.

Address Book: Customer's Primary Information page

The customer's overall primary contact and address and primary billing, shipping, and sold-to contacts and addresses appear on this page. You can modify the contacts and addresses or select a new primary contact and address.

Use the Address Book - Create New Address page (RX_ADR_REP_ADDR) to add a new address for a contact.

Image: Address Book - Create New Address page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Address Book - Create New Address page.

Address Book: Create New Address page

This page is similar to the Create New Address page.

Enter the new address information. If the address is a billing, shipping, or sold-to address, select the appropriate address role check box.

Note: The Address Roles appear only for users who are contacts of companies, not for end consumers.

Use the Address Book - Create New Contact page (RX_ADR_NEW_REP) to create new contacts or new addresses for the customer.

This page is similar in use to page that is used to create new contact addresses, except that it contains additional lines for you to enter contact information.

Contact Information

If the new contact is a billing, shipping, or sold-to contact, select the appropriate contact role check box.

Image: Address Book: Create New Address - Contact Information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Address Book: Create New Address - Contact Information page.

Address Book: Create New Address - Contact Information page

Image: Address Book: Create New Address - Address Information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Address Book: Create New Address - Address Information page.

Address Book: Create New Address - Address Information page

Field or Control


One use only - not a permanent address or contact

Select to create a temporary contract and address just for the corresponding transaction.

Note: This field appears only if you are adding a shipping address.

Use the Address Book - Select Contact page (RX_ADR_USE_CNTCT) to select new primary contacts for the roles that appear on the Address Book - Customer's Primary Information page and to copy the contacts into new address book entries.

Image: Address Book - Select Contact page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Address Book - Select Contact page.

Address Book: Select Contact page

Use the Address Book (new address) - Select Address page (RX_ADR_SEL_CUST_DF) to select new primary addresses for the address roles that appear on the Address Book - Customer's Primary Information page and copy the addresses into new address book entries.

Image: Address Book (new address)- Select Address page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Address Book (new address) - Select Address page.

Address Book - Select Address page

Use the Address Book - Contact Information page (RX_ADR_REP_INFO) to edit an existing contact's information.

Image: Address Book - Contact Information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Address Book - Contact Information page.

Address Book - Contact Information page

If the contact is a billing, shipping, or sold-to contact, select the appropriate contact role check box.

Click Edit or Delete to maintain the address for the contact-to-customer relationship. Click the Add New Address button to enter a new address for this relationship.

Use the Address Book - Update Address page (RX_ADR_CUST_ADDR, RX_ADR_REP_ADDR) to modify existing addresses.

Image: Address Book - Update Address page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Address Book - Update Address page.

Address Book - Update Address page

This page is almost identical to the Address Book - Create New Address page. Unless you are a contact of a customer, the Address Roles are not visible.