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Maintaining Contact Information

This topic discusses how to maintain contact information.

Page Name

Definition Name


Manage Profile - Default Addresses Page


Manage default mailing, shipping, and billing address information.

Manage Profile - Contact Information Page


Update primary contact information.

Address Book - Create New Address Page

Address Book - Update Address Page


Create or update addresses that are associated with the user.

Delete Confirmation Page


Confirm the deletion of the address, phone number, or email address.

Use the Manage Profile - Default Addresses page (RX_PROFILE_DFLTS) to manage default mailing, shipping, and billing address information.

Image: Manage Profile - Default Addresses page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage Profile - Default Addresses page.

Manage Profile - Default Addresses page

Note: In addition to the self-service application, this component is also available in the employee portal to Higher Education users who are associated with the right role and permission list to access the page.

See Self-Service Page Visibility.

Use the Manage Profile - Contact Information page (RX_ADR_MY_INFO) to update primary contact information.

Image: Manage Profile — Contact Information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage Profile — Contact Information page.

Manage Profile - Contact Information page

The Add New Address button transfers you to a page where you can add address information. The Add New Phone and Add New Email buttons add a new row to the Phone or Email grid for you to enter the new information. The user can edit their current phone numbers and email addresses directly on this page.