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Maintaining Name and Sign-In Information

This topic discusses how to maintain name and sign-in information.

Page Name

Definition Name


Manage Profile - Change Profile Info Page


Review and edit name, password information, and privacy preferences.

Manage Profile - Change Name Page


Update name information.

Manage Profile - Change Password Page


Enter passwords.

Profile - Change Password Hint Page


Enter password hints.

Manage Profile - Change Privacy Preference Page


Select privacy options for screening communications.

Use the Manage Profile - Change Profile Info page (RX_NAME_SIGNIN) to review and edit name, password information, and privacy preferences.

Image: Manage Profile - Change Profile Info page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage Profile - Change Profile Info page.

Manage Profile - Change Profile Info page

Note: In addition to the self-service application, this page is also available in the employee portal to Higher Education users who are associated with the right role and permission list to access the page.

See Self-Service Page Visibility.