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Running PeopleSoft CRM Diagnostic Packages

This topic describes how to run PeopleSoft CRM diagnostic packages.

Page Name

Definition Name


Launch Diagnostics Page


Select and run diagnostic packages.

PeopleSoft Diagnostics Page


View the diagnostics for the selected plug-ins.

Use the Launch Diagnostics page (PT_DIAG_PLUGIN) to select and run diagnostic packages.

Image: Launch Diagnostics page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Launch Diagnostics page.

Launch Diagnostics page

Select one or more diagnostic packages to run and click the Generate Diagnostics button.

Field or Control


Email report

Select to have the report emailed to you

Field or Control


Display report in browser

Select to have the report appear in a separate popup window.

Use the PeopleSoft Diagnostics page (PT_DIAG_PLUGIN) to view the diagnostics for the selected plug-ins.

Image: PeopleSoft Diagnostics page 1 of 2

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the PeopleSoft Diagnostics page 1 of 2.

PeopleSoft Diagnostics page 1 of 2

Image: PeopleSoft Diagnostics page 2 of 2

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the PeopleSoft Diagnostics page 2 of 2.

PeopleSoft Diagnostics page 2 of 2