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Securing the Credit Card Component

You must specify the user roles that have access to credit card components.

Securing the components involves these general steps:

  1. Add the Credit Card Component menu (CCENCRYPTION_MENU) to the appropriate permission list.

    See Adding CCENCRYPTION_MENU to a Permission List.

  2. Provide security for the new credit card components:

    See Providing Security for Credit Card Components.



  3. Provide security to the new portal registries:

    See Providing Security for the Portal Registries.

    • CREDIT_CARD_ENCRYPTION (Credit Card Encryption folder)

    • FS_CC_UPGRADE_GBL (Upgrade Credit Card Numbers content registry)

    • FS_CC_CNVRT_GBL (Change Encryption Key content registry)

  4. (Optional) Change the security group for the FS_CC_CNVRT Application Engine process definition.

    See Changing the Security Group (Optional).

  5. Run the portal security synchronization process (PeopleTools, Portal, Portal Security Sync).

  6. Clear the application and web server caches.

You must add CCENCRYPTION_MENU to the appropriate permission list. You may want to choose a security administration role.

See ”Setting Up Permission Lists,” Managing Permission Lists” in PeopleTools: Security Administration product documentation.

To provide access to the new PeopleSoft components:

  1. Navigate to select PeopleTools, then select Security, then select Permissions & Roles, then select Permission Lists, then select Pages.

  2. Add the menu name CCENCRYPTION_MENU.

  3. Click Edit Components.

    The Components page appears.

  4. Locate the FS_CC_UPGRADE component to which you want to grant access.

    (By default, no components are authorized when adding a menu.)

  5. Click the Edit Pages button for each component to which you want to grant access.

    The Page Permissions page appears.

  6. Specify the actions that a user can complete on the page.

  7. Click OK on the Page Permissions page, and then again on the Component Permissions page.

Note: Perform this procedure twice, once for the FS_CC_UPGRADE component and again for the FS_CC_CNVRT component.

See “Setting Up Permission Lists” in Peopletools Security Administration product documentation.

You must provide security for the new folder and content registries on the portal.

For Folder:

  1. Navigate to select PeopleTools, then select Portal, then select Structure and Content.

  2. In the Folders list, click on the links Set Up CRM, then Utilities.

  3. Click the Edit link next to the Credit Card Encryption folder name.

  4. Click the Folder Security tab.

  5. On the Folder Administration page, select the permission lists that you want to have access to the Credit Card Encryption menu.

For Content Registries:

  1. Navigate to PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content.

  2. In the Folders list, click on the links Set Up CRM, then Utilities, then Credit Card Encryption.

  3. Click the Edit link for Upgrade Credit Card Numbers (FS_CC_UPGRADE_GBL).

  4. On the Security tab, make sure the permission list displayed corresponds to the CCENCRYPTION_MENU permission list.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for Change Encryption Key (FS_CC_CNVRT_GBL).

Note: When you complete all security tasks, delete your browser cache so that you can view the new portal registries in the menu navigation.

See “Administering Portals” in PeopleTools: Portal Technology product documentation.

You can optionally change the security group for the FS_CC_CNVRT Application Engine process definition.

To change the security group:

  • Navigate to select PeopleTools, then select Process Scheduler, then select Processes.

  • Select Process Name in the Search By field.

  • Enter FS_CC_CNVRT in the begins with field.

  • Click the Search button.

  • On the Process Definition page, select the Process Definition Options tab.

  • Modify the security group in the Process Groups grid.