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Sending Contact Us Messages

This topic discusses how to send Contact Us messages.

Page Name

Definition Name


Contact Us Page


Self-service users can send messages to your organization.

Use the Contact Us page (WC_CONTACT_US) to self-service users can send messages to your organization.

Image: Contact Us page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Contact Us page.

Contact Us page

Note: In addition to the self-service application, this page is also available in the employee portal to Higher Education users who are associated with the right role and permission list to access the page.

See Self-Service Page Visibility.

Each subject-topic combination is associated with a workflow action that you specify. The workflow action sends a notification that alerts the recipient to the newly submitted message.

If you use the 360-Degree View feature, the system creates an interaction when the user sends the message. In this situation, the notification normally includes a link to the new interaction.

If the user requests a confirmation email, the system sends a message based on the Contact Confirmation email template. You cannot choose a different template for the confirmation email. You can, however, modify the text of the template.

Live Chat with Agent

Expand this page region and click the Start Chat button to initiate a two way chat session with a support agent.

This section appears if the page is chat-enabled on the Chat Enabled Page Setup page.