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Setting Up Common Industry Functionality

This section discusses how to:

Page Name

Definition Name


Industry-Specific Page Setup Page


View a list of component pages that are used in the industry applications.

Industry-Specific Translates Page


View or modify a list of translate values that are used in the industry applications.

Use the Industry-Specific Page Setup page (RB_MKT_PAGE) to view a list of component pages that are used in the industry applications.

Image: Industry-Specific Page Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Industry-Specific Page Setup page.

Industry-Specific Page Setup page

Set by market, each page setup definition includes information, such as the base page, menu name, item name, page name, record, base record, bar name, component name, page item name, and component interface name of the specified component page. The system uses this page setup data to facilitate the communication between applications.

Note: Do not modify the information delivered on the Industry-Specific Page Setup page unless you are customizing PeopleSoft CRM. Customizing requires you to update several values (such as the component interface name) on this page.

Use the Industry-Specific Translates page (RB_MKT_XLAT) to view or modify a list of translate values that are used in the industry applications.

Image: Industry-Specific Translates page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Industry-Specific Translates page.

Industry-Specific Translates page

Using industry-specific translate pages you can set up field values for industry use.

See Understanding Business Units in PeopleSoft CRM