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Setting Up Regions

To set up regions, use the Region (RB_REGION) component.

This topic discusses how to set up regions.

Page Name

Definition Name


Region Page


Set up regions for use with various PeopleSoft CRM transactions.

Use the Region page (RB_REGION) to set up regions for use with various PeopleSoft CRM transactions.

Image: Region page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Region page.

Region page

Field or Control



Select to indicate how PeopleSoft CRM references this region:

  • Geography: Use this region in addresses, provider group and worker assignment criteria, and pricing definitions.

  • Product Sales: Use this region in product definitions to define where the product is sold.

  • Territory Assignment: Use this region when defining territories in PeopleSoft CRM Sales.


Select Active or Inactive.

Region Type

Select a type that describes the basis for regional divisions. General-purpose types are Country, Phone, Postal, Region, and State. Region is the most generic value, used when none of the other values apply.

Parent Region ID

Enter the region ID for the parent of the region that you are entering. This field sets up the hierarchical relationship for regions and enables you to create parent and child relationships.

Region Hierarchy

Displays the entire regional hierarchy, including the current region.