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Updating Workers' Calendars with Specified Holiday Schedules

This topic discusses how to update workers' calendars with specified holiday schedules.

Page Name

Definition Name


Holiday Load Page


Update workers' calendars with specified holiday schedules.

Use the Holiday Load page (RUN_CNTL_RF1000) to update workers' calendars with specified holiday schedules.

Image: Holiday Load page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Holiday Load page.

Holiday Load page

You should maintain one holiday schedule per region or per segment of your workforce and periodically add new dates to each holiday schedule to reflect the next year's official holidays. When you add additional dates to the holiday schedules that you define with the Holiday Schedule page, run the Load Holiday process (RF_HOLIDAY) .

For example, you might define next year's holidays in the last quarter of this year. After defining the holiday dates for the coming year, run the Load Holiday process to have the system record the new dates on workers' calendars.

Note: When you run the Load Holiday process, the system updates workers' calendars to reflect the changes in the associated holiday schedule from the current date forward. If you delete a holiday for a date prior to the current date, the system does not delete the past holiday from the calendars. However, if you delete or add a holiday for a future date, the system updates calendars to reflect the holiday schedule changes.

Load Criteria

The Load Criteria group box indicates the parameters for the Holiday Load process. Before running the process, you must associate a holiday schedule with each worker who needs the update on the Job Detail page.

Field or Control


One Worker

Select to load the holiday schedule for the worker who you specify in the Name field. The system displays the Name field after you select this option.

All Workers/One Schedule

Select to load the holiday schedule that you specify in the Holiday Schedule field for all workers who are currently defined in the system and have the specified holiday schedule. The system displays the Holiday Schedule field after you select this option.

All Workers/All Schedules

Select to load all holiday schedules that are associated with each worker in the system.

See PeopleTools: Process Scheduler product documentation.