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Understanding Field Service Configuration Templates

Configuration templates provide PeopleSoft CRM administrators a simple way to configure core components to be used by industry solutions. Through the use of templates, you can easily manipulate the appearance and behavior of a component by enabling and disabling certain features that are available on the corresponding template. In PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService, the Service Order component is made configurable by using configuration templates.

Note: Configuration templates are different from display templates, which are used by PeopleSoft Support. PeopleSoft FieldService does not use the display templates.

Service Order Configuration by Using Configuration Templates

Configuring service orders by using templates is a simple, two-step process. To configure service orders:

  1. Define a configuration template.

    In the configuration template, you indicate which product-related information (if any) must appear and be prompted for in service orders. In addition, you can configure the Service Order component to hide entitlement and billing details and enable anonymous user and incident address usage for your industry-specific needs. You can also configure whether to display expenses and priority (at the activity level) and turn off approvals.

  2. Associate the configuration template with a business unit.

    Specify, at the business unit level, the template that is used to control the appearance and behavior of service orders for the business unit.

    Note: Every field service business unit must be associated with one configuration template. If you have multiple business units in the organization with various service order requirements, create multiple configuration templates with different settings to accommodate all of your business needs.

When you create or open a service order after the setup is completed, the system applies to the service order the configuration template that is selected for that service order's business unit. The service order appears according to what is in the configuration template.

PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService delivers the CORE configuration template for the Service Order component. You can make changes to it as needed or create additional ones. Modifications that are made to the service order appear as a result of the configuration template and are reflected in service orders that are accessed through the My Service Order component.