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Managing Scheduled Preventive Maintenance

This section discusses how to edit the pending preventive maintenance entry and review the preventive maintenance history summary and details.

Page Name

Definition Name


Installed Product - Preventive Maintenance Detail Page


View or update the pending preventive maintenance entry, and review the history of preventive maintenance entries that is created for the selected installed product.

Review Preventive Maintenance


View preventive maintenance entry details from the search page and view their information on the installed product and service order.

Preventive Maintenance Details


View a summary of the installed product and service order information associated with the selected preventive maintenance entry. View customer, product, agreement, order capture, and service order information. Click various transfer buttons to access corresponding components.

Preventive Maintenance Page


Define run control parameters for the Preventive Maintenance process (RF_PM_SO_ADD).

Use the Installed Product - Preventive Maintenance Detail page (RF_INST_PROD_PM) to view or update the pending preventive maintenance entry, and review the history of preventive maintenance entries that is created for the selected installed product.

Image: Installed Product - Preventive Maintenance Detail page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Installed Product - Preventive Maintenance Detail page.

Installed Product - Preventive Maintenance Detail page

Note: The Preventive Maintenance Detail page is accessible only to installed products that are controlled by asset IDs or serial numbers.

Pending Preventive Maintenance Service Orders

Displays information related to the pending preventive maintenance entry that is inserted into the Preventive Maintenance History table. You can modify the fields here as long as the entry has a status of Pending. (The fields are blank when there is no pending preventive maintenance entry.) Click the Add a new row button to manually create a new pending preventive maintenance entry for the installed product (for example, when the previous one has been canceled and you want to start the cycle again).

Field or Control


Agreement Code

Select the name of the agreement that is used to cover the selected service. Click the Transfer to Agreement button to access the Agreement component.

Renewal Number

Select the renewal version of the agreement.

Line Number

Select the agreement line number that covers the service and service product (that is, the selected installed product). If you have selected an agreement, clicking the Transfer to Agreement Line button takes you to the Agreement Line page. If no agreement is selected, the system takes you to the Agreements component where you can add a new agreement.


Displays the service for this preventive maintenance entry. Click the Transfer to Service button to access the Service component.

Business Unit

Select the business unit for this preventive maintenance entry. Service orders that are generated for this entry are categorized under the selected business unit.


Select the status of the preventive maintenance entry:

Pending: Indicates the default status of a new preventive maintenance entry. By default, the preventive maintenance process sets the entry status to Pending and updates the status according to the status change of the associated service order.

Created: Indicates that a service order has been generated for the corresponding preventive maintenance service.

In Progress: Indicates that the preventive maintenance service order has a service order line with one of the these statuses: Open - Hold Assignment, Open - Hold Part, or Open - On Site.

Completed: Indicates that the preventive maintenance service order is complete.

Canceled: Indicates that the preventive maintenance service order has been canceled.


Enter a note for the preventive maintenance record. Any message that was generated during the create preventive maintenance process is captured by the system in this field.

Preventive Maintenance History

This section displays a list of preventive maintenance entries that is generated for the selected installed product.

Field or Control



Displays the service order start date that is entered for the preventive maintenance entry.

Business Unit

Displays the business unit to which the preventive maintenance entry belongs.

Service Order ID

Displays the ID of the service order that is created for the preventive maintenance service. Once the service order is generated through the preventive maintenance process, the system populates the Service Order ID field in the preventive maintenance entry and changes its status to Created. Click the Transfer to Service Order button to access the Service Order component.


Displays the preventive maintenance entry status.

Use the Preventive Maintenance Details page (RF_IP_PM_SEC_INQ) to:

  • View a summary of the installed product and service order information associated with the selected preventive maintenance entry.

  • View customer, product, agreement, order capture, and service order information.

  • \Click various transfer buttons to access corresponding components.

Image: Preventive Maintenance Details page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Preventive Maintenance Details page.

Preventive Maintenance Details page

Order Capture Information

The system displays this section only if there is an integration with PeopleSoft Order Management.

Field or Control


Business Unit

Displays the business unit that PeopleSoft Order Management (part of PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management) used when the order was created for the product.

Capture ID

Displays the order number that PeopleSoft Order Capture used when the order was created.

Order Number

Displays the order number that PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management used if the order request was sent to the system from PeopleSoft Order Management.


Displays the line number that PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management used if the order request was sent to the system from PeopleSoft Order Management.

Service Order Details

Field or Control



Displays the field service business unit under which the service order is categorized.

Service Order Date

Displays the date when the service order starts.

Creation Date

Displays the date when the service order was generated.


Enter a note for the preventive maintenance record. Any message that was generated during the create preventive maintenance process is captured by the system in this field.

Use the Preventive Maintenance page (RUN_CNTL_RFSOADD) to define run control parameters for the Preventive Maintenance process (RF_PM_SO_ADD).

To create service orders for installed products that are eligible for preventive maintenance services, run the Preventive Maintenance process. It is recommended that you schedule this process to run nightly.