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Running PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService Interactive Reports

This section discusses how to work with the Service Order Aging interactive report, Utilization Rate interactive report and Service Order Summary interactive report.

Page Name

Definition Name


Working with the Service Order Aging Interactive Report


Select an existing run control ID on the Existing Run Control page to run the Service Order Aging interactive report. You can also update any existing run control profiles, such as selecting a different business unit or customer before running the interactive report. Go to the Add New Run Control page (RF_SO_AGE_ADD) to add new run control profiles.

Working with the Utilization Rate Interactive Report


Select an existing run control ID on the Existing Run Control page to run the Utilization Rate interactive report. You can also update any existing run control profiles, such as entering a different start or end date, utilization goal, or different provider group before running the interactive report. Go to the Add New Run Control page (RF_UTIL_CONFIG_ADD) to add new run control profiles.

Working with the Service Order Summary Interactive Report


Select an existing run control ID on the Existing Run Control page to run the Service Order Summary interactive report. You can also update any existing run control profiles, such as selecting a different provider group or customer before running the interactive report. Go to the Add New Run Control page (RF_MGMT_DASHBD_ADD) to add new run control profiles.

This section discusses:

  • The usage of the Service Order Aging interactive report.

  • Available parameters to run the interactive report.

  • Available dimensions within the interactive report.


The Service Order Aging Analysis interactive report shows, within the selected business unit, the age (in days) of all open service orders. The report provides field service managers, dispatchers, and other interested parties a summary of how long those service orders have remained opened since they were created. You can look at this report by customer or by product. The age of a service order is the result of the current system date minus the service order creation date.

You can set up day ranges under which service orders are categorized depending on their ages. Day ranges are used as the horizontal axis headings of the interactive report.

When you first run the interactive report on the Service Order Aging page, the system displays the Summary of Service Order report in the column chart view by default. Switch to the Summary of Service Order Aging report to view the report in the table view.

Available Parameters

Access the Service Order Aging page. You can refine the result of the Service Order Aging Analysis interactive report using the these parameters in the run control page:

  • Unit

    The Service Order Aging Analysis interactive report is business-unit based.

  • Customer

    View open service orders for all or only a particular customer in the business unit.

Available Dimensions

Use these dimensions to rearrange data on the Service Order Aging Analysis interactive report:

  • Customer

  • Product

  • Date range

This section discusses:

  • The usage of the Utilization Rate interactive report.

  • Available parameters to run the interactive report.

  • Available dimensions within the interactive report.


The Technician Utilization Rate Analysis interactive report calculates and displays the percentage of available working time that a provider group or its group members spent on servicing customers in a given period. This report enables field service managers to see how much time technicians spent on site handling customer service requests.

Based on inputs like provider group hourly rates, available working time, actual working time, and user-defined utilization goal, the report analyzes the amount of resources (in the currency value defined for the provider group cost category) wasted or needed within the selected time period in the operation.

To gather more information on what must be done to optimize the business, the manager can run what-if scenarios on the report by varying input values in a test case scenario.

For example, if the manager notices a significant amount of unused value in one of its provider groups, the manager can adjust values in the test case scenario (such as the utilization goal, provider group hourly rates, and technician working hours), examine the impact of these changes, and then decide where to adjust to yield the best business performance and revenue.

When you run the interactive report on the Utilization Rate page, the system automatically displays the Summary Utilization View report in the table view. Use the Utilization Rate View report to view the utilization rate of all members in the selected provider groups in line chart view. Use the Utilization % at Provider Group Level report to view the utilization rates among provider groups in column chart view.

Available Parameters

Access the Utilization Rate page. You can refine the result of the Technician Utilization Rate Analysis interactive report using the these parameters in the run control page:

  • Start and end dates

    Specify the start and end dates for the interactive report and make sure the defined duration does not exceed that specified in the Valid Range field. The value of both dates can be a past, current, or future date.

  • Utilization goal

    This value appears by default from the Utilization Rate Setup Options page. You can, however, override it before running the interactive report.

  • Provider group

    Run the interactive report for selected provider groups or for all provider groups.

Available Dimensions

Use these dimensions to rearrange data on the Technician Utilization Rate Analysis interactive report:

  • Provider group

  • Technician

  • Scenario

    Select Base Case to analyze actual data. Select Test Case to analyze a “what-if” scenario.

These data cubes are available in the interactive report:

  • Hours available for technician

    The total amount of technician working hours within the period defined for the report. Technician working hours are specified using the Worker component.

  • Hours on-site

    Compiled from all of the time logs created for the technician within the period defined for the report.

  • Utilization % (utilization percentage)

    Hours on site divided by hours available for a technician.

  • Utilization rate by group

    The average utilization rate of all members in the group.

  • Universal utilization goal

    The utilization goal defined on the Utilization Rate page.

  • Goal hours

    The utilization goal times the hours available for a technician.

  • Variance

    The difference between goal hours and hours on site.

  • Currency CD (currency code)

    The currency code.

  • Rate

    The hourly rate of the provider group, which applies to its group member.

  • Unused value

    Variance times the hourly rate for the provider group. The hourly rate for the provider group is also used for its group members. This rate is defined using the Provider Groups component.

This section discusses:

  • The usage of the Service Order Summary interactive report.

  • The available parameters to run the interactive report.

  • The available dimensions within the interactive report.


The Service Order Summary interactive report offers a representation of all open service order activities (these activities are associated with open service orders) that are assigned to all or selected provider groups or customers on the day the report is run. Also available in the report are the total number of service order activities with a priority of urgent, as well as service orders that have missed commitments.

When you run the interactive report, the system automatically displays the report in the table view. This report provides a complete view of the analysis, which includes statistics on different service order activity statuses, urgent service order activities, and missed commitments. There are other views in the report that enable you to view specific data. Use the Urgent and Missed report to view statistics on urgent service order activities and missed commitments. Use the Status Comparison report to view the number of service order activities in each of these open activity statuses: accepted, hold customer, hold parts, and on site.

Available Parameters

Access the Service Order Summary page. You can refine the result of the interactive report using these parameters in the run control page:

  • Provider group

  • Customer

Available Dimensions

Use these dimensions to rearrange data on the interactive report:

  • Provider group

  • Technician

  • Customer

  • Business unit

These data cubes are available in the interactive report:

  • Open service orders

    Includes all service orders that are currently opened.

  • Open service order activities.

    Includes all open service order activities (those not in the statuses of closed, completed, or canceled).

  • Accepted service order activities

    Includes all service order activities in the accepted status.

  • Hold customer service order activities

    Includes all service order activities in the hold customer status.

  • Hold parts service order activities

    Includes all service order activities in the hold parts status.

  • On site service order activities

    Includes all service order activities in the on site status.

  • Urgent service order activities

    Includes all open service order activities with a priority of urgent.

  • Missed commitment

    Includes all service order activities (which are not in the canceled status) that were unable to respond to customers or restore product functionality by the required response or restore time specified by the entitlement.

    A service order activity misses a response commitment if the least logged start date and time of the time log exceeds the customer preferred or committed start date and time. Similarly, a service order activity misses a restore commitment if the maximum of the logged end date and time in the time log exceeds the customer preferred or committed date and time. If a technician is unable to meet both the response and restore commitments in a service order activity, it is considered a single missed commitment incident and is reported under the name of the line's lead technician.