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Overview of the 360-Degree View for Higher Education

In Higher Education institutions, constituent relationship management typically starts from the initial recruiting process and extends into alumni relations. During this lifecycle, a constituent might participate in various activities that result in the creation of transaction data. Higher Education business users also constantly interact with constituents while trying to recruit them, retain them, or service their requests. This interaction information is also stored in the database. In order to better manage the relationship with a constituent, all the transaction and communications data associated with the constituent must be consolidated in one place, so that all users can get a consistent view and actions can be taken based on this information.

The Constituent 360 Degree View allows specialist and generalist users within a Higher Education institution to get a summarized view of a constituent and take the desired actions such as updating a case, adding a lead, or simply providing status information to the constituent. For example, the 360 Degree View can assist agents in solving at least 60% of higher education issues without the need to navigate to various transaction pages within CRM or in Campus Solutions, thus improving user productivity.

In addition to consumers, the 360 Degree View can also display information on the companies, company contacts, and workers with which a Higher Education institution needs to interact.

The Constituent 360 Degree View displays information that is retrieved from both the CRM database and Campus Solutions in real time. This information includes the following about an individual or organization being viewed:

  • Biographical summary information such as name, address, and phone number.

  • A summary of CRM transactions such as case, lead, event, interaction, and so forth that are associated with the individual or organization.

  • Higher education specific information like recruiting and admissions data, financial aid information, transcript requests, contributor relations, affiliations, and transfer credits that apply to various stages of the constituent lifecycle.

Additionally, certain types of actions can also be performed on the individual or organization displayed from the within the 360 Degree View, such as creating new transactions like cases and leads, or navigating to a different page like the Student Service Center within Campus Solutions.

360 Degree View can display the following types of individuals and organizations:

  • Individual Consumer.

  • Worker.

  • Contact for a Company.

  • Company.

Higher Education-specific information is only displayed for persons with the Individual Consumer role.

The 360-Degree View serves as a springboard for a Higher Education business user’s interactions with constituents. Both specialists and generalists can use it for different purposes while serving a constituent. For example:

  • Recruiters can manage ongoing relationships with suspects, prospects, or applicants whom they are trying to recruit, and create lead or opportunity transactions for them.

  • Call Center agents can answer queries they receive from prospects, students, or alumni and create cases if needed.

  • Financial Aid officers can review financial aid checklists of applicants and report status or provide advice.

  • Academic advisors can review students' academic information to determine their overall standing with the institution.

  • Retention managers can advise students who are at the risk of dropping out and help to retain them.

  • Fundraisers seeking new donations can check whether an alumnus has a history of making donations to the institution.