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PeopleSoft CRM for Higher Education Business Process

PeopleSoft CRM for Higher Education 9.1 delivers deep integration with PeopleSoft Campus Solutions for best practices recruitment and retention business process flows. Additionally, a constituent contact center solution along with a Constituent 360-Degree View provides your staff with the constituent insight they need to efficiently do their jobs.

CRM Higher Education includes features in the following areas:


With more than 2.5 million students matriculating to a college campus for the first time each year, the role and responsibility of admission and enrollment personnel in higher education has become increasingly critical to the success of the institutions and the experience of the student.

The recruitment funnel, where a high number of inquiries of prospective students from numerous entry points narrows to and moves toward application and ultimately a smaller number of matriculated students, is starting earlier and lasting longer and requires targeted and accurate communication to move that prospective student through the funnel successfully.

To better align with the recruitment process of HE institutions and to provide recruiters with more of the tools they need to be successful, PeopleSoft CRM for Higher Education 9.1 is the system of record for recruiting. You can create prospective students (and their related academic information) manually in CRM for Higher Education, have them self-register via the web, or load the information in bulk through the Prospective Student Import feature.

To facilitate recruiting, CRM for Higher Education includes features to better assign recruiters to suspects and prospects and to provide them with better data and contact management tools that they need to manage those relationships. Additionally, an Event Management module is available to help manage and market recruiting events.

Recruiting-related features include:

  • Prospective Student Import: Allows the bulk import of suspects and prospects into CRM for Higher Education. Prospective students can be loaded directly into CRM for Higher Education using the import feature or sourced from the Campus Solutions test score loads.

  • Manual Creation of Suspect and Prospects: You can manually create and maintain suspects and prospects directly in CRM for Higher Education rather than having to create them in Campus Solutions and push them across.

  • Search/Match Capability: Identifies potential duplicates for resolution when suspects and prospects are imported into CRM for Higher Education.

  • Lead and Opportunity Enhancements: When a prospect is qualified from marketing activities, a lead is typically created in the Sales module and assigned to a recruiter. CRM for Higher Education 9.1 delivers an assignment group to support the automatic assignment of recruiters and recruiting teams for Higher Education leads and opportunities. You can now assign recruiters by zip code of the last school attended and by institution, career, program, and plan for a more specialized recruiter. The recruiter can then follow up on the lead and track the progress of the prospect through the multiple lead statuses available.

  • Enhanced Integration with Campus Solutions:CRM for Higher Education provides a robust integration between CRM and Campus Solutions for tracking the constituent lifecycle status from suspect to prospect to applicant to student to alumnus in order to ensure that recruiting, retention, and alumnus communications are targeted to the right audience. Features include:

    • Control table loads (from CS to CRM): Setup information including academic structure, academic type and load, and school information is sent to CRM for Higher Education so that prospective students can be created in CRM for Higher Education. Additionally, security constructs including institution, career, program and plan security by user ID, and test ID security are sent to CRM for Higher Education so that PeopleSoft CRM for Higher Education respects the same security out of the box as the Campus Solutions system.

    • Incremental Syncs (from CS to CRM): To provide a real time update from Campus Solutions to CRM for Higher Education, incremental syncs are included for prospect, applicant, and student data. As changes are made in Campus Solutions to the prospect, applicant, or student (including applicant status, change of program, plan, and so on), real time messages are sent to CRM so that CRM always has the most up-to-date information about that constituent, ensuring accurately targeted communications.

    • Test Score Publication (from CRM to CS) After an applicant is created in Campus Solutions, a message is sent to CRM that determines whether that person already exists as a prospect and, if so, updates him or her to an applicant. Additionally, if CRM has captured any official or self-reported test scores, information related to the applicant, or both, that information is published to Campus Solutions because it might be required as part of the application evaluation process

PeopleSoft CRM for Higher Education and Campus Solutions provide an end-to-end recruiting solution that enables tracking of the constituent life cycle from suspect through to alumnus with real-time integration to ensure that any outbound communications (both internally and externally) are accurately targeted.

See PeopleSoft Event Management .


The cost of replacing a student is far higher than retaining one. Therefore, after you have recruited and enrolled the best set of applicants, you want to ensure that you retain them. In CRM for Higher Education 9.1, several features are included that enable higher education institutions to retain more students by deepening their relationships using all the information they know about the students and by better resolving their issues. Features include:

Leveraging Campus Solutions Data: To successfully retain students, you need to have access to the student data that gives you a better picture of what is going on with the student and whether he or she is at risk. Some at-risk factors might be financial needs, decreasing GPA, and lack of participation in classes, clubs, and so on. You need to be able to identify these red flags that are typically stored in Campus Solutions and proactively reach out to the student before it is too late. In CRM for Higher Education 9.1, you can access student information in two ways:

  • Student Enterprise Integration Point (EIP): This EIP sends student information, including student program, plan, and status information (program actions and action reasons, such as withdrawn and transferred out) from Campus Solutions to CRM for Higher Education. If a student’s status changes or the student changes programs or plans, then a real time message is sent to CRM for Higher Education to reflect that change.

  • Dynamic Access of Student Data: Rather than having to bring all of the student information to CRM for Higher Education, this feature enables the enrollment manager to dynamically access student data when building an audience for a retention program. In this way, an institution can set up its definition of an at-risk student on the Campus Solutions side and have CRM for Higher Education dynamically access that data when creating the audience.

Now you can run retention programs to proactively reach out to these students. You can use surveys to learn more about areas of dissatisfaction or concern and take action such as sending alerts to relevant staff and faculty, setting up a meeting with the student, calling the student, or replying with a personalized email that directly addresses the student’s concerns. In addition to creating a two-way communication with the at-risk student, you can invite him or her to targeted retention events that provide face-to-face assistance.

Service Center for Higher Education

To address service delivery challenges for higher education institutions, PeopleSoft CRM for Higher Education 9.1 delivers the Service Center for Higher Education, providing a centralized one-stop-shop institution-wide service solution. With this solution, you can differentiate your institution with an outstanding service experience, reduce the cost to serve with streamlined service-delivery processes and prebuilt integration, and ultimately leverage the positive service interaction to improve your higher education institution’s brand and retain constituents and employees.

The Service Center for Higher Education delivers two contact centers in one: an employee and constituent IT Helpdesk and a constituent contact center across all phases of the constituent life cycle. The Service Center for Higher Education leverages a strong multichannel contact center foundation providing self-service, case management, issue diagnosis, and knowledge management with a strong workflow engine for rapid and consistent inquiry resolution across channels. On top of this contact center foundation, the Service Center for Higher Education delivers capabilities specific to higher education.

Constituent 360-Degree View

In Higher Education institutions, constituent relationship management typically starts from the initial recruiting process and extends into alumni relations. During this life cycle, a constituent may participate in various activities that result in transaction data being created. Higher Education business users also frequently communicate with constituents while trying to recruit them, retain them, or service their requests. This useful interaction information is stored in the system. To effectively manage the relationship with a constituent, all its available transaction and communications data needs to be consolidated and summarized in one place so that users can view it in order to take informed actions.

To satisfy this business need, a powerful feature called the Constituent 360-Degree View is included in CRM for Higher Education 9.1. This functionality enables a holistic, actionable view of the constituent that combines CRM and Campus Solutions data in real time and is configurable depending on the role (marketer, recruiter, advisor, and so on) of the user who is accessing the 360-Degree View. The 360-Degree View can be accessed from multiple transactions within CRM for Higher Education, including Event Management, Leads and Opportunities, and Support. Depending on who is accessing it, the 360-Degree View displays information relevant to that person’s role while maintaining security for any data (such as financial information) to which that role should not have access.