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The Request to Resolve Process

The key business process for Service Center for Higher Education is the request to resolve process.

The request component of the process where the constituent has an inquiry that must be answered by the higher education institution. Constituents first engage the contact center by leveraging any of the channels that are available to them. They either find the information they need, or if they cannot find it, they initiate a request with the contact center. Thus, your constituents or the workforce can leverage the self service interface first.

After the inquiry enters the contact center, that inquiry is directed into the higher education institution. After the agent (the person to whom the issue has been routed, based on skills-based routing) engages, then the next step the agent takes is to go to the 360–degree view of the constituent record. The 360-degree view provides a complete view of the constituent, including student and/or employee information and case history information, in a single screen.

From the 360-degree view, the agent can create a case and use Case Management tools to help diagnose and resolve the issue. After the case is closed, the system can send a case closure email message that summarizes the solution to the problem and any other information that you want to send to the constituent. Additionally, you can leverage PeopleSoft's Online Marketing solution to conduct surveys (for example, to determine customer satisfaction).

The last component analysis. If you cannot analyze information regarding the contact center performance, then cannot get the full value out of your contact center. To this end, Oracle delivers a number of analysis options: everything from basic operational reports to interactive reports and more sophisticated analytics.

The key component to keep in mind is integration. Integration provides the unique value-added functionality within the Service Desk for Higher Education. Service Center for Higher Education provides three types of integration: