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Using the Search/Match Capability

To ensure that duplicate constituents are not imported from Student Administration (SA) to CRM (that is, that constituents that already exist in the CRM database are not imported again from SA), the Search/Match feature checks for such duplicates when imports occur. Additionally, when a new constituent is created either in SA or CRM, Search/Match checks for duplicates and can bring over any additional data (such as test scores) to the SA system from CRM system.

Regardless of the application that calls it (for example, a PeopleSoft application program, an online PeopleSoft application component, or a web service), the Search/Match functionality performs duplicate checking for imported person data.

  • The Search/Match is performed against CRM Persons regardless of role. Other search types (Organization and Company) are not supported.

  • You can create and maintain Search/Match rules and parameters according to your organization's requirements.

  • Standalone Search/Match test functionality is included, allowing you to perform search/match duplicate checking and view the results so that you can determine that your rules and parameters are functioning as expected.

  • A set of Search/Match APIs to perform duplicate checking of the input constituent or prospect data against CRM Person data regardless of the role and based on the functional need of different calling applications such as an application engine program, an online PeopleSoft transactional component, the PeopleSoft CRM Search/Match test functionality, or a web service. The Search/Match rules can be different for Campus Solutions and for CRM. For example, the CRM Search/Match rules might be less restrictive than the Campus Solutions Search/Match logic.