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PeopleSoft CRM Multichannel Communications Reports: General Description

These topics provide an overview of reports that PeopleSoft delivers for ERMS and chat operations.

For each delivered report, specify criteria on the run control pages that determine what information shows up in a report. In addition, you can decide the time frequency by which data is grouped and presented in a report. For example, you can run the report by hour, which gives hourly statistics within the specified date range. Other options are to run reports by day, by week, or by month.

Hourly reports display data on the hour for hours that contain actual data. If data exists in 3 hours within the specified date range, the report shows only 3 rows of data. These reports are useful when measuring the peak hours of system usage and the effectiveness of agents, worklists, and so on.

Like hourly reports, daily reports display data for days that contain actual data between the start and end dates. A day begins at 12 a.m. and ends at 12 p.m. Use daily reports to identify days in a week that have relatively high task volume and be able to come up with plans to manage workload more effectively.

Weekly reports give statistics in a 7-day period beginning Sundays through Saturdays. If the start date is a Tuesday (May 10), the end date is a Friday (May 20) of the following week and data exists in Thursday (May 12) through Monday (May 16), the weekly report displays two rows of data, one for the week of May 8 and one for the week of May 15. Each week will consist of data for those days that have it.

Monthly reports are useful in determining the operation's busiest and slowest quarters. You see that data is categorized by month within the specified date range. Months without data are not shown on the report.

Enter values for some or all criteria to create meaningful reports, such as:

This table lists the PeopleSoft CRM Multichannel Communications reports.

For more information about running these reports, refer to:

For samples of these reports, see the Report Samples that are published with this online documentation.

Note: In addition to the left hand navigation, you can execute reports from Supervisor Desktop if so configured.

Report ID and Report Name



Run Control Page


Agent Effectiveness

Provides, during the specified date range, the total number of emails assigned to the selected agent and the average time used to respond to them. The report shows on each row the number of emails that are closed after the due date, how many of them were responded using a template, and the number of emails closed in each of these statuses: response (an email was closed because a reply was sent), duplicate (an email was closed because it's a duplicate), spam, and cancelled. If you leave the User ID field blank, the report includes statistics of all agents in the system.

select MultiChannel, then select Reports, then select ERMS Agent Effectiveness, then select ERMS Agent Effectiveness



Agent Chat Volume and Efficiency

Provides, during the specified date range, the total number of accepted and transferred chat sessions that were hosted by the selected agent. The report shows on each row the queue on which the chat sessions are routed, the number of agent to agent chat, the total and average time length of the sessions, and the time that the longest session took to complete. If you leave the User ID field blank, the report includes statistics of all agents in the system.

select MultiChannel, then select Reports, then select Agent Chat Volume, then select Agent Chat Volume and Efficiency