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Defining Context-Based Routing Rules

This topic discusses how to define context-based routing rules.

Page Name

Definition Name


Exception Routing Page


Define routing rules based on the email address from which an email was sent.

Use the Exception Routing page (RB_EXCP_ROUTE) to define routing rules based on the email address from which an email was sent.

Image: Exception Routing page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Exception Routing page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Exception Routing page

Field or Control


Reply To

Enter a fully qualified email address. Email received from this address is routed as specified on this page and does not go through content-based routing.


Enter an email address domain (the part of an email address that follows the @ symbol). Email received from any address in this domain is routed as specified on this page and does not go through content-based routing.

Worklist Name

Select the group worklist to which the system routes email from the specified address or domain.


Enter an optional comment that explains why email from the address or domain is routed to the specified worklist.