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Defining Email Business Units

This topic discusses how to define email business units.

Page Name

Definition Name


Email Definition Page


Associate an email business unit with business units of other CRM transactions and case display template families, which are used for creating transactions from email.

At the group worklist level, an option is available that, when selected, allows the system to automatically create a case for every unstructured inbound email routed to that group worklist. The system uses the business unit and display template family that are specified in the group worklist definition to generate cases for inbound email.

If this information is not available in the definition, the system accesses the mailbox definition of the inbound email and uses the setID of the email sender (which is also the customer of the new case) to derive the corresponding email business unit from the Email Business Unit Mapping section.

In an email business unit definition, you specify the default business units for a list of common CRM transactions, which are used for creating these transactions. Additionally, you specify the display template family to be used for each mailbox type for the purpose of case creation.

See Group Worklist Page.

Use the Email Definition page (BUS_UNIT_TBL_RB) to associate an email business unit with business units of other CRM transactions and case display template families, which are used for creating transactions from email.

Image: Email Definition page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Email Definition page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Email Definition page

Business Unit Definition

Field or Control


Description and Short Description

Enter a long and a short descriptions for the email business unit, which are required.

These fields are prepopulated if the business unit that you are adding is already an existing business unit.

Support Business Unit, Help Desk Business Unit, Service Order Unit, Sales Unit, Online Marketing Unit, and Order Capture Unit

Specify a business unit for each listed CRM transaction, which is used by the system to create and search for the corresponding transaction for email. For example, if an agent creates a case from an email on the email workspace (or the system creates a case automatically for an inbound email), the business unit that is specified in this email's mailbox becomes the business unit for the newly created case.

Create Business Unit

Click to create the email business unit.

This button appears if the business unit that you are adding does not already exist in the CRM system.

Case Display Template Details

Use this section to specify a display template family for each mailbox type. The system uses the selected display template family for creating cases, if the Create Case for every new inbound Email feature is enabled for a group worklist but the display template family is not already specified in the group worklist definition.