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Defining Mail Servers

This topic lists prerequisites and discusses how to register mail servers in the ERMS system.

Page Name

Definition Name


Mail Server Definition Page


Define mail servers in the ERMS system.

Before you define mail servers and mailboxes within the ERMS system, you must:

  1. Set up the external mail servers and mailboxes that the ERMS system will monitor.

    You set up physical mail servers and mailboxes outside of the PeopleSoft system. The PeopleSoft ERMS system supports both POP3 and IMAP4 email protocols.

  2. Set up the integration between these external systems and your PeopleSoft system:

    1. Configure the PeopleSoft Integration Broker gateway for the email channel.

    2. Configure the GETMAILTARGET connector properties on the MCF_GETMAIL node.

      Make sure that all of the transactions of MCF_GETMAIL node are set to active on the Service Operations: General page. For more information about nodes, refer to the Configuring Nodes topics of the PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Integration Broker Administration documentation.

The PeopleSoft MultiChannel Framework documentation discusses these processes in the topics on configuring the email channel.

See PeopleTools: PeopleSoft MultiChannel Framework

Use the Mail Server Definition page (RB_MAILSERVER_DEFN) to define mail servers in the ERMS system.

Image: Mail Server Definition page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Mail Server Definition page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Mail Server Definition page

Field or Control


Mail Server Name

Enter a row of data for each mail server that the ERMS system will access. The name that you enter here must match the name of the physical mail server.

When you set up mailboxes, you will associate each mailbox with one of the mail servers that are listed here. This association gives the mail reader process the information that it needs to find the external mail server from which the mailbox's emails are fetched.