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PeopleSoft Marketing Reports: A to Z

This table lists the PeopleSoft Marketing reports, sorted by report ID.

For more information about running these reports, refer to:

For samples of these reports, see the Report Samples that are published with the online documentation.

Report ID and Report Name



Run Control Page


Campaign and Activity Effectiveness

Combined Campaign and Activity effectiveness report.

Marketing, Operational Reports, Campaign and Activity Effectiveness



Task Management

This report shows all the Tasks irrespective of whether they are Campaign Tasks or Content Tasks. Using the report parameters you may obtain a list of Tasks a) for a particular Campaign b) for a Particular Content c) All Campaign and Content Tasks

Marketing, Operational Reports, Task Management



Campaign ROI (return on investment)

This report compares the actual revenue generated by a particular activity over its actual cost. A negative ROI indicates costs exceed revenues. The report is grouped by Rollup Campaigns, Campaigns.

Marketing, Operational Reports, Campaign ROI
