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Defining Offer Options

This topic discusses how to define offer context and options. To define offer options, use the Offer Options (RA_OFFER_OPTIONS) component.

Page Name

Definition Name


Offer Context Page


Use to enter allowable context for offer presentation.

Offer Options Page


Use to select whether to use third-party optimization with offers.

Use the Offer Context page (RA_CONTEXT_SETUP) to use to enter allowable context for offer presentation.

Image: Offer Context page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Offer Context page.

Offer Context page

Field or Control


Context Id

The identifier for the allowable context for offer presentation.

Use the Offer Options page (RA_OFFER_OPTION) to use to select whether to use third-party optimization with offers.

Image: Offer Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Offer Options page.

Offer Options page

Field or Control


Third Party Optimization

Select if you will use a third-party optimization engine for offer presentation.