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Defining PeopleSoft Marketing Business Units

To set up PeopleSoft Marketing business units, use the Marketing Definition (RA_BUS_UNIT_GBL) component.

This topic discusses how to define PeopleSoft Marketing business units.

Page Name

Definition Name


Marketing Definition Page


Define PeopleSoft Marketing business units.

Use the Marketing Definition page (RA_BUS_UNIT_TBL) to define PeopleSoft Marketing business units.

Image: Marketing Definition page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Marketing Definition page.

Marketing Definition page

Field or Control


Default SetID

Select the default setID to associate with the business unit.

Note: The system displays this field only when you define a new business unit that has not already been defined elsewhere within PeopleSoft Customer Relationship Management (PeopleSoft CRM).

Currency Code

Select the default monetary unit in which you conduct transactions in this business unit.

Sales Business Unit

Select the PeopleSoft Sales business unit that you want to associate with this marketing business unit.


Select a printer name for correspondence management.

Create Business Unit

Click to save and create the new business unit. This is the same as clicking the Save button.

Note: The system displays this button only when you define a new business unit that has not already been defined elsewhere within PeopleSoft CRM.