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Managing Collateral

This topic lists common elements and discusses how to manage collateral.

Page Name

Definition Name


Manage Collateral Page


Add or edit collateral definition.

Manage Collateral - Collateral Details Page


Define collateral.

Manage Collateral - Files Page


Associate files with collateral.

Manage Collateral - Task Page


Associate tasks with collateral.

Manage Collateral - Costs Page


Enter the costs of creating collateral.

Manage Collateral - Notes Page


Write notes and attach them to collateral, view brief descriptions of your collateral notes, and access those notes.

Field or Control


Collateral ID

The code that uniquely identifies the collateral.


The setID in which the collateral resides.

Use the Manage Collateral page (RA_CONTENT_GRD_PG) to add or edit collateral definition.

The Manage Collateral page enables you to search for an existing collateral definition or add one. When you select an existing definition or add one, you are taken to the Manage Collateral - Collateral Details page.

Use the Manage Collateral - Collateral Details page (RA_CONTENT_DETAIL) to define collateral.

Image: Manage Collateral - Collateral Details page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage Collateral - Collateral Details page.

Manage Collateral - Collateral Details page

Field or Control



Enter a brief descriptive name for the collateral.

Parent Name

At times, two or more pieces of collateral are related to each other. For example, you might have an envelope printed to match a brochure that you're sending out. To make sure that the two go together, you create a parent and child relationship. If the collateral has a parent, select that parent here.


(Optional) Enter a definition of the collateral.


Select a collateral type from the available list. Collateral types are defined on the Type setup page.


Select a collateral subtype from the available list. Collateral subtypes are defined on the Sub Types setup page.


Select a collateral owner. The owner is the person responsible for the collateral. The collateral owner is the default assigned-by person for collateral tasks.


Identify the collateral's position in its life cycle.


Enter the quantity of the collateral to be produced.

Use the Manage Collateral - Files page (RA_CONTENT_ATCH) to associate files with collateral.

Image: Manage Collateral - Files page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage Collateral - Files page.

Manage Collateral - Files page

The Files page displays summary information about collateral materials stored in your computer system. For example, you might store the text and graphics files that you use to create a brochure. These files are often not the finished collateral product, but are used in the creation of the final product.

Field or Control


File Name

Displays the name of the file attached to the collateral.


Enter an optional description of the file.


Displays the person who is responsible for the file attached to the collateral.

Date Added

Displays the date when the file was attached to the collateral.

Attach File

Click the Attach File button to upload a file.

Use the Manage Collateral - Task page (RA_CONTENT_TASK) to associate tasks with collateral.

Image: Manage Collateral - Task page (1 of 2)

This is the first of two examples illustrating the fields and controls on the Manage Collateral - Task page.

Manage Collateral - Task page (1 of 2)

Image: Manage Collateral - Task page (2 of 2)

This is the second of two examples illustrating the fields and controls on the Manage Collateral - Task page.

Manage Collateral - Task page (2 of 2)

The Task page displays summary information about tasks associated with the collateral definition and enables you to attach new tasks and task sets.

Field or Control


Task Shell

Select a task shell from the available options.

Task Sets

Select a task set from the available options.

Add Task

Click to add a new task.

Add Task Set

Click to add a new task set.


Displays the name of the task or task set

Assigned By

Displays the name of the user who assigned the task or task set.

Assigned To

Displays the name of the user to which the task has been assigned.

Start Date

Displays the date that the task is to begin.

Due Date

Displays the date that the task is scheduled to be completed.


Displays the relative urgency of the task.


Displays the position of the task in its life cycle.

% Complete (percent complete)

Displays the portion of the task that you have completed.


Displays the description of the task or task set.

See Defining Task Tools.

Use the Manage Collateral - Costs page (RA_CONTENT_COST) to enter the costs of creating collateral.

Image: Manage Collateral - Costs page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage Collateral - Costs page.

Manage Collateral - Costs page

Field or Control


Cost Description

Select the description of the cost that you want to associate with the collateral. Costs are defined on the Cost setup page.


Displays the description of the cost type associated with the selected cost.


Displays whether the cost of the collateral is defined as variable or fixed.

Unit Cost

Enter the cost of a single unit of the collateral.

Forecast Value

Enter the expected cost of all the collateral. This is the number of pieces multiplied by the unit cost.

Actual Value

Enter the actual cost of all the collateral. This is the final cost after adjustments are made for quantity purchased or changes in unit costs.

Use the Manage Collateral - Notes page (RA_CONTENT_NOTE) to write notes and attach them to collateral, view brief descriptions of your collateral notes, and access those notes.

See Understanding Notes and Attachments.