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Presenting Offers

This topic describes how to present an offer that has already been created.

Page Name

Definition Name


Present Offer Page


View recommended offers and their details, and select one to present to a customer.

Use the Present Offer page (ROF_OFFERPRESENT) to view recommended offers and their details, and select one to present to a customer.

Image: Present Offer page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Present Offer page.

Present Offer page

Field or Control


Recommended Offer

Displays a list of recommended offers (either selected through marketing promotions or optimized by the third-party optimization system based on customer information).


This value indicates the "fit" of the offer to the customer. The score is assigned to the offer by the third-party optimization system, based on the likelihood that a given customer will accept the offer. Offers associated with campaign-driven promotions will show a score of zero. If duplicate offers exist (from a targeted promotion and suggestion by the third-party system), only the offer with the higher score (usually the third-party system suggestion) is shown.

Offer Details

The content of this section will vary depending on the type of offer selected. Some available offer types include:

  • Product offers.

  • Communications offers.

  • Promotional discount offers (including giveaways).