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Setting Up CRM Application Security for PeopleSoft Marketing

This topic describes how to set up CRM application security for Marketing.

Page Name

Definition Name


Membership List Page


Set up a membership list.

Add Membership List Page


Add a new membership list.

Functional Option Page


Use these system-delivered items as display templates.

Functional Option Group Page


Set up a functional option group for PeopleSoft Marketing users.

Security Profile Page


Create a new security profile to contain the membership list and functional option group.

Use the Membership List page (RSEC_MEMBER_SMRY) to set up a membership list.

Image: Membership List page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Membership List page.

Membership List page

This page includes all the roles to which PeopleSoft Marketing users will be assigned. If needed, you can use multiple membership lists.

Use the Add Membership List page (RSEC_ML_ROLE) to manage a membership list.

The Add Membership List page displays the security objects (role, person, and so forth) included in this membership list. You can edit the objects.

Field or Control



Enter the name of the security object.

Add Role

Click to add a new role to the list.

Use the Functional Option Group page (RSEC_FUNC_GROUP) to set up a functional option group for PeopleSoft Marketing users.

Image: Functional Option Group page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Functional Option Group page.

Functional Option Group page

The Option Value field should be blank for both functional options.

Use the Security Profile page (RSEC_PROFILE) to create a new security profile to contain the membership list and functional option group.

Image: Security Profile page (1 of 2)

This is the first of two examples illustrating the fields and controls on the Security Profile page.

Security Profile page (1 of 2)

Image: Security Profile page (2 of 2)

This is the second of two examples illustrating the fields and controls on the Security Profile page.

Security Profile page (2 of 2)

All membership lists that you create must be attached to a security profile. This step links the membership roles to the functional option groups that control the security on the Marketing Programs pages using display templates.