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Using Interactive Reports for PeopleSoft Marketing

This topic discusses how to use Interactive Reports for marketing.

Page Name

Definition Name


Campaign Performance / Forecast Analysis Page


Launch interactive reports for viewing key measurements, performing what-if scenarios, and establishing assumptions for marketing campaigns.

Performance Page


View key measurements of campaign performance in one report. By changing the dimensions, you can view results from various angles.

Forecast Page


Perform what-if scenarios using actual and projected campaign results. You can create and save multiple scenarios to test different assumptions.

Assumptions Page


Establish assumptions for marketing campaign interactive reports.

Dialog Performance/Forecast Analysis Page


View key measurements, perform what-if scenarios, and establish assumptions for online dialogs.

Dialog Survey Report Page


View results of Online Marketing survey dialogs.

Use the Campaign Performance Analysis page (RA_WHATIF_UPD) to launch interactive reports for viewing key measurements, performing what-if scenarios, and establishing assumptions for marketing campaigns.

Use the Performance page (RA_WHATIF_CAMPAIGN) to view key measurements of campaign performance in one report. By changing the dimensions, you can view results from various angles.

Results Measured

The page measures:

  • Audience size.

  • Number of leads.

  • Number of opportunities.

  • Number of customers.

  • Response rate.

  • Conversion rate.

  • Campaign cost.

  • Gross revenue.

  • Gross profit.

Available Dimensions

Results can be measured by:

  • Rollup

  • Campaign.

  • Activity.

  • Channel.

Use the Forecast page (RA_WHATIF_FORECAST) to perform what-if scenarios using actual and projected campaign results. You can create and save multiple scenarios to test different assumptions.

Results Measured

The Campaign Forecasting Analysis page measures actual performance against projected results for:

  • Audience size.

  • Projected audience size.

  • Response rate.

  • Projected response rate.

  • Conversion rate.

  • Projected conversion rate.

  • Projected number of leads.

  • Projected number of customers.

  • Projected total cost.

  • Projected revenue.

  • Projected profit.

Available Dimensions

Results can be projected by:

  • Campaign.

  • Activity.

  • Channel.

  • Roll up campaign.

Use the Assumptions page (RA_WHATIF_REV_COST) to establish assumptions for marketing campaign interactive reports.

Establish values for three factors:

  • Unit campaign cost.

  • Unit acquisition cost.

  • Revenue per customer.

These values are used to project costs and revenues relative to real or projected results.

Available Dimensions

Results can be projected by:

  • Campaign

  • Activity

  • Roll Up Campaign

Use the Dialog Performance / Forecast Analysis page (RY_DIALOG_IR_ADD) to view key measurements of dialog performance in one report. By changing the dimensions, you can view results from various angles.

The report has two tabs: Reach and Response

Results Measured

The Reach page measures:

  • Audience count.

  • Projected count.

  • Hard bounces.

  • Soft bounces.

  • Unknown bounces.

  • Percent bounces.

  • Projected percent bounces.

  • Projected bounced.

  • Queued.

  • Expired.

  • Reach delivered.

  • Reach projected delivered.

  • Opened.

  • Open rate percent.

  • Reopened.

  • Clickthrough.

  • Clickthrough rate percent.

  • Projected CTR percent.

  • Projected percent response.

Note: The Open Rate percentage for emails is calculated based on the number of Opened divided by the number of Reach (those emails that were delivered, with no bounces included). For Opened and Reopened, only email in HTML format is tracked (using a 1x1 clear pixel image embedded in the email). When emails are opened multiple times, the Reopen value will reflect each subsequent opening after the first (for example, if an email is opened three times, it will show Opened as 1 and Reopened as 2). Be aware that the Reopened results might not be accurate if the user's email client (for example, Microsoft Outlook) caches the email content.

The Response page measures:

  • Response count.

  • Projected response count.

  • Visits.

  • Visitors.

  • Projected visitors.

  • Percent response.

  • Projected percent response.

  • Submitters.

  • Projected submitters.

  • Percent submitters.

  • Projected percent submitters.

  • Percent complete.

Available Dimensions

Results can be projected by:

  • Activity (Action)

  • Audience

To view survey reports, use the System Process Requests (PRCSMULTI) component.

Use the Dialog Survey Report page (RY_DLG_SRY_RPT) to view results of Online Marketing survey dialogs.

The Dialog Survey Report displays survey summary results. The default dimension displayed is All_Contacts. Note that the survey data selected for the report will only include the last survey instance of each case.

To run a new survey report, you must enter the relevant business unit, dialog name (only dialogs in Live state are available for selection), and the date range in which the survey was submitted.

Note: If you will be generating Survey Reports frequently, it will increase the data volume in the report table and affect report performance. Starting a daily-based report data purge process will help to maintain the Survey report generation performance. To do this, select PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, System Process Requests. Create a new Run Control ID: OLM_ACE_REPORT_PURGE, and then click Run. Select the check box for the process named RY_RPT_SV_CP and then click OK.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Customer Relationship Management 9.1 Installation Guide

Results Measured

This page measures the following based on question, survey status, and document name:

  • Survey score: The average survey score (not a summation), depending on the level of the dimension chosen. The average can adjust for every dimension selected.

    Note: The survey score displayed per contact is an average, depending on the number of surveys sent and responded to by the contact. Also, the overall survey score displayed for all contacts is also an average of all surveys taken by all of the contacts. To view survey scores for each individual survey, refer to the Case page.

  • Survey sent: The number of surveys sent to the contact.

  • Incomplete survey: The number of surveys that were opened but not completed.

  • Completed survey: The number of surveys completed.

  • Response rate %: Calculated by Survey Sent /(Incomplete Survey + Completed Survey) * 100.

Available Dimensions

Results can be projected by:

  • Assigned To

  • Case ID

  • Region

  • Location

  • Company Name

  • Contact (the default dimension when the page is opened)

  • Case Priority