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Products, PeopleSoft Enterprise Pricer, and Catalogs

This section discusses the integration of products, pricing, and catalogs with Order Capture.


Product definitions provide the foundation for many features of PeopleSoft Customer Relationship Management (PeopleSoft CRM), including product ordering, catalogs, and catalog searches.

You can use many of the elements used to define products—such as product brand, product category, product group, and product attributes—to dynamically generate catalogs based on criteria that you specify. For example, you can create rules that select only certain brands for inclusion in a catalog or that include products based on their attributes.


PeopleSoft Enterprise Pricer enables real-time, dynamic pricing on quotes and orders based on company pricing policies. Order Capture users define rules that determine which discounts, surcharges, giveaways, and conditions apply. As products are added to a quote or an order, PeopleSoft Enterprise Pricer applies all of the pricing rules that match the defined conditions to determine final prices. Conditions might include number of products ordered, type of customer, or customer region. The same pricing engine also allows customer service representatives (CSRs) to manually adjust prices and view all price adjustments related to an order or a quote.


The PeopleSoft CRM Catalog contains a hierarchy of products that Order Capture and Order Capture Self Service can access. You can access catalogs from different locations within the collaborative selling suite of applications. Users can navigate directly to Catalog Search and enter search criteria in the search dialog box, or configure the PeopleSoft CRM portal homepage to display a catalog search pagelet. You can also navigate to the catalog by using the order form.

Note: To navigate to the catalog by using the order form, you must have the PeopleSoft CRM Portal Pack installed.

Using the order form, CSRs can search catalogs for product information. Order Capture Self Service customers can also view catalog information.

In addition, you can restrict user access to a product by validating it against a catalog when the product is added to an order.

If you try to submit a product without linking it to a catalog, the order is held with the message Product (number), (Name) on Line 1 is not in the Customer's Product Catalog. You have two choices:

  • You can override the hold by changing the hold status.

  • You can turn off this hold.

    If you turn the hold off, it will never fire for any CSRs. If you do not want to use catalogs at all in the system, or you do not care if customers order products not in their catalog, then you can simply turn the hold off via the Order Capture Workbench.

    To turn off this hold, navigate to select Set Up CRM, then select Product Related, then select Order Capture, then select Capture Type Workbench. Choose the SetID you are working with. Change the Capture Type codes for each scenario. Start with Quote or Order. Chose Hold Processing. Clear Product Catalog Violation and save.

Note: The default catalog in Find Products in the left navigation changes after selecting a different business unit in the Add Order page. This ensures that the CSR will see consistent catalogs while being in Add Order or in Find Product.