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Proration of Price Adjustments

This section provides an overview of adjustment price proration and discusses:

Order Capture enables you to prorate order level adjustments when creating and maintaining orders and quotes. To use this functionality, you must create a Total Order Discount/Surcharge price rule in Enterprise Pricer.

Proration of order level adjustments consists of three major components:

  • Configuring the application to use proration.

    A field on the business unit determines if the order level adjustments are prorated or not.

  • Dividing adjustments over the order lines.

    The ratio for the prorated adjustment considers the net price of each line with the quantity ordered in order to prorate the order level adjustment appropriately.

  • Displaying adjustment history.

    The history table keeps track of the adjustments that are applied to each line. Any adjustment that affects the net unit price is reflected in the history table.

These guidelines apply to creating orders with an order level adjustment:



Different adjustment types

More than one order level adjustment can be applied to the order at the same time. These adjustments can be either a fixed amount or a percentage.

Manual order level adjustments

You can add a manual adjustment that will apply to the entire order. The manual order level adjustments are grouped with the order level adjustments that were applied by the Enterprise Pricer. The sum of both the manual and system adjustments gives the total order amount that will be prorated.

Order level discount across order lines

The ratio for the prorated adjustment considers the net price of each line with the quantity ordered in order to prorate the order level adjustment appropriately.

Price adjustment history

The history table keeps track of the adjustments that are applied to each line. Any adjustment that affects the net unit price is reflected in the history table.

Repricing an order

When proration is turned on, it is performed every time the order is repriced.

Order of adjustments

The adjustments from price rules defined to be applied at the line level are always applied first. The manual adjustments are applied second and price protect the line. The prorated order level adjustments are applied last.

Discount/Surcharge in the total section

When the order level adjustments are prorated, the fields use to store the order level adjustment on the order are set to 0. The Discount/Surcharge rows in the total grid are hidden.


By adjusting the price on a line with a prorated adjustment, it is possible that the order will go on hold if the price goes under the minimum selling price. The existing holds are applied.

Package Products

Package products are prorated just like other products on the order. Pricing for these can be at the component level, or at the product header level.

The following guidelines apply to maintaining orders with an order level adjustment:



Protected prorated adjustments

Order lines with these statuses protect the prorated amount for that line:

  • 5000 – Picked

  • 5100 – Partially Picked

  • 5500 – Purchased

  • 5600 – Partially Purchased

  • 5700 – Billed

  • 5750 – Partially Billed

  • 6000 – Shipped

  • 6010 – Complete

  • 6100 – Partially Shipped

Note: When the prorated amount is protected, it is not recalculated every time the proration calculation is done.

Cancelled order lines

When prorating the order level adjustments, the lines that are cancelled are excluded from the proration, as well as Engagement Service products.

Adding product to order

Adding a product to the order forces the proration to be done again.

Changing existing order line

Change to an existing order lines forces the proration to be done again.

Deleting order line

Deleting an order line forces the proration to be done again.

Minimum order level adjustment

If an order is being maintained, it is possible that the prorated adjustments that are protected based on the line status will be higher than the new order level adjustment that will be calculated after the order is changed. In this case, the amounts that are protected will remain the same and won’t be decreased to match the new order level adjustment.

The following guidelines apply to converting a quote with an order level adjustment to an order:



Calculation of order level adjustments for orders that come from a quote.

There is no flag on the order that can be use to indicate that the order level adjustments are price protected. This flag exist only for the line prices.

When an order is created from a quote, the Related Actions tab on the order contains a reference to the originating quote. This reference is used to determine if the order level adjustment should be recalculated, or if the one calculated on the quote should remain.

Proration of order level adjustments for orders that come from a quote.

When an order is created from a quote, there is no proration of order level adjustments done on the order. The proration is done only on the quote. If the business unit is set up to allow for editing the order following conversion from a quote, then any changes made to the order results in recalculating the prorated adjustments.

The following guidelines apply to prorating the order level adjustment per line:



Order lines included in the proration

Order lines that are cancelled or that already have a prorated adjustment that is protected are not included in the proration. Both scenarios do not apply to Engagement Service products.

Order lines excluded in the proration

Order level adjustments that have already been billed should remain the same and should not be reapplied.

For example: an order was created with 4 order lines and a prorated order level discount of 20$ had been prorated evenly across these lines (each line receiving 5$ discount). Line 1 has been billed and the other lines have not. If you maintain the order and add a fifth line, the 20$ order level discount still applies. When the proration is done again, instead of giving 4$ per line, the line that was billed will keep 5$ of the 20$ and the other 15$ will be divided across the 4 other lines.

Displaying order level adjustments as an amount

Order level adjustments can be both a percent and an amount. The total adjustment is calculated as an amount so that the amount can be divided across the lines.

Net unit price adjustment

The net unit price on the line is the price that gets updated. Order Capture does not store the extended price for a line. The net unit price multiplied by the quantity gives the extended price. The order quantity is included when calculated with the adjustment ratio applied.

Adjustment ratio calculation

The following formula is used to find the adjustment to apply to the net price on the line:

((Order Level Adjustment – Protected Amount)* (Net Price)/(Order Sub Total – Extended Line Price of Protected Lines)).

Price protected lines

The prorated adjustment amount can be applied to a line, even if that line is protected.

Giveaway products

Giveaways lines are excluded from the proration

Free periods products

Free Periods lines are excluded from the proration

Calculation Example

If an order has these two lines:



List Price

Extended Price









Total order price



To prorate an order level discount of $20.00 USD, first calculate what the unit price of each product must be to arrive at the discounted order amount:

  • For product 1000, the discounted unit price is $20.00 - (20.00 * 20.00 / 165.00), or $17.58 USD.

    The extended price is 3 * 17.58, or $52.74 USD.

  • For product 1001, the discounted unit price is $15.00 - (20.00 * 15.00 / 165.00), or 13.18 USD

    The extended price is 7 * 13.18, or $92.26 USD.

In this scenario, the $20.00 order-level prorated discount needs to be proportionately distributed between the two order lines, therefore, the calculations of the actual discounts for order lines of products 1000 and 1001 are (20.00 * 20.00 / 165.00) and (20.00 * 15.00 / 165.00) respectively.

The order total is $52.74 + $92.26, or &145.00 USD.

Note: When line quantities are greater than 1, the entire discount amount might not prorate evenly across the order lines. For example, using an order discount of 20.05 in the above scenario, would the result in only USD $20.03 of the discount being applied. The remaining $02 USD cannot be evenly spread to a unit price when the line quantities are 3 and 7, and therefore remains unapplied.

The following guidelines apply to reviewing price adjustment history:



Prorated adjustments on the price adjustment page

The price adjustment history page shows all the adjustments that are applied to the list price in order to calculate the net unit price. The prorated adjustments are displayed on this page.

Deleting history rows

The Adjustment History page allows the user to delete an adjustment that was applied manually. System adjustments and prorated adjustments cannot be removed.

To remove prorated adjustments that result from a manual order level adjustment, remove the manual order level adjustment. You cannot remove prorated adjustments that result from a price rule.

Add a Final Unit Price to the adjustments page

Final Unit Price reflects the list price with discounts subtracted, and surcharges added. This is displayed in the Unit Price field on the order line.

The current integration to Supply Chain Management (SCM) and TBP will not be affected by the changes made for prorating the order level adjustments.

The following guidelines apply to billing integrations to Supply Chain Management (SCM) and TBP:



Integration to TBP with proration turned ON

When proration has been turned ON, the order level adjustments will be prorated across the order lines and passed to the TBP as part of the line price. No adjustments are stored at the order level.

Integration to SCM and TBP with proration turned ON

When proration has been turned ON, and the order/quote contains products that are passed to TBP and other that are passed to the fulfillment system, the order level adjustments will be prorated across the order lines and passed to SCM and TBP as part of the line price.

Integration to TBP with proration turned OFF

When proration has been turned OFF, the order level adjustments will be stored at the order level but they won’t be passed to TBP.

Integration to Supply Chain Management (SCM) with proration turned OFF

When proration has been turned OFF, the order level adjustments will be stored at the order level and they will be passed to SCM as an order level adjustment.

Integration to Supply Chain Management (SCM) and TBP with proration turned OFF

When proration has been turned OFF, and the order/quote contains products that are passed to TBP and other that are passed to the fulfillment system, the order level adjustments will be stored at the order level and will be passed to SCM as an order level adjustment.