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Understanding Future Dated Orders

Future order functionality enables a user to place an order that will occur in the future. The future dated orders are queued in the CRM system and automatically resubmitted to fulfill the order or request. This approach improves performance by not submitting orders until they are due. The functionality of order queuing is set up at the business unit level. You can activate or deactivate the queuing functionality based on your business needs.

Order queuing functionality depends on the order scheduled fulfillment date. An order will be either qualified for immediate execution, that is, the business project will be initiated immediately or will be scheduled for execution in the future. After submitting the order with future scheduled fulfillment date, the system will validate the order and change order status to Queued. The business project will not be instantiated; instead the order execution date will be calculated based on the order scheduled fulfillment date and the ordered product's lead time. A separate process (QUEUED_ORDER_SUBMISSION) will run daily to find and submit all outstanding orders scheduled to be executed on current date. One scheduled fulfillment date will be allowed per order.

Note: If an order contains multiple order lines and each associated product has a different lead time, the longest product lead time will be used to calculate the scheduled fulfillment date for that order.

The following terms are applicable to future dated orders:



Future Dated Order

A customer order that will be effective on specified date in the future.

Scheduled Fulfillment Date

The date when future dated order should come into effect. Also known as the Fulfill By date field.

Earliest Fulfillment Date

The earliest date when the order can be fulfilled. This is calculated based on the ordered product's lead time. The Scheduled Fulfillment Date must not be before the Earliest Fulfillment Date otherwise the order is placed on hold and may be late.

Queued Order

A submitted and validated future dated order, put in the queue for automatic execution on future date.

Order Execution Date

The date when a future dated order should be executed to assure that all requested modifications will be effective on the scheduled fulfillment date. This date will be calculated based on Scheduled Fulfillment Date and maximum lead time for a products added to the order (for example, Order Execution Date = Scheduled Fulfillment Date – Maximum Lead Time for products that are added to the order).

Order Execution Time Frame

The period of time between order execution date and order scheduled fulfillment date. On order execution date the business project will be initiated and is assumed to be running until order scheduled fulfillment date.