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Understanding Toolbar Configuration

You can configure the toolbar that you use for order and quote processing as well as the subtabs and page labels that appear on the order entry forms. The toolbar feature provides a simple way to navigate to different pages and sections within the same component. You can set up the toolbar so that, in an order form, users can jump from one area to another—such as from Billing on the Order Entry form to Interaction History on the History page—by selecting the relevant name.

This table summarizes toolbar configuration features:



Toolbar buttons

Toolbar buttons include PeopleTools actions and Order Capture specific actions. Buttons such as Save, Refresh, Add, Next in List, Previous in List, Return to Search, and Update/Display map to corresponding buttons in PeopleTools. Order Capture buttons perform application-specific actions, such as cloning an order.

Page subtabs

Page subtabs are links that appear on a component page above the toolbar. Each subtab links to sections of a page that are defined based on a page's group boxes. In Order Capture, you can use page subtabs to provide users with quick access to different page sections and to control the availability of information on a page.

Toolbar configuration

You can choose the toolbar elements that appear and arrange them in any sequence. You can also modify the definitions of the delivered toolbar buttons or use application classes to create new buttons.

Personalization by end user

Order Capture users, such as customer service representatives (CSRs), can personalize the toolbar by selecting which buttons appear on it. Personalized configurations are associated with user IDs and do not affect the base toolbar definition. As an administrator, during setup, you decide whether users can personalize toolbars and specify the buttons in the toolbar that these users can hide in the personalization process.