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Publishing Order and Quote Messages

When you capture an order or quote in Order Capture, the system instantiates the CORE_ORDER_BP or CORE_QUOTE_BP business project. Both of these business projects include a task that runs the RO_EIP_PUB Application Engine process, which triggers the Publish Order and Publish Quote integration points. These integration points, which consist of the CRM_SALES_ORDER and CRM_SALES_QUOTE messages, make order and quote information available to your fulfillment system. PeopleSoft delivers the Integration Broker transformation rules required to integrate with SCM; integration with other systems requires additional transformation rules.

If you use Order Management, integration points receive the transformed messages and enter order data into Order Management staging tables. The orders have a source code of CRM and start with a status of Open.

Note: The instantiation of these business projects is determined by the setID. Some setIDs may run business processes.

Running Batch Jobs in Order Management (PeopleSoft SCM customers only)

Subsequent to order submission, the Order Management fulfillment process starts with the OMEC process followed by the OM_BACKGRND process; OM_EC - OM Electronic Commerce is the process that moves data from the staging tables to the order production tables. OM_BACKGRND - Order Completion process completes the defaulting of values onto the order. .In Order Management, you can set up exclusions to choose which subprocesses within OMBACK to run or skip based on the order source code. Because orders that originate in CRM already have tax, freight, and pricing information, you should configure OMBACK to skip tax, freight, and pricing calculations for orders with the PeopleSoft CRM source code.

There are fours specific SCM processes you need to run to complete the pre-fulfillment tasks. These consist of:

  1. Order Validation Process (OM_EC)

  2. Order Completion Process (OMBACK)

  3. Outbound Acknowledgement (OMEC Outbound)

  4. Data Exchange (Data Publish)

Batch Job



1: Order Validation (OMEC)

When you submit an order, the transaction is loaded into order staging tables. We first need to run the Electronic Commerce SQR process (OMEC), which:

  • Parses data such as customer information and product information to ensure that it is valid.

  • Sets system defaults and status flags for subsequent processes.

  • Loads data into the production order tables (order staging data found to have errors is not loaded into the production tables until the errors have been resolved).

To run the OMEC batch job:

  1. In the FDM menu, navigate to select Order Management, then select Electronic Commerce, then select Validate Staged Orders/RFQs.

  2. Add a new Run Control ID.

  3. In the Processing Options group box, select the Inbound Order/RFQ Activity check box.

    Note: This will make 2 extra fields (Transaction Type and Integration Point Control ID) available in the Processing Parameters group box.

  4. Leave the remaining 3 “queue” check boxes in Processing Options unchecked.

  5. In the Processing Parameters group box, choose the specific (Order Management) Business Unit you specified on the Order Capture Definition.

  6. Choose the Transaction Type of PO (Inbound Sales Order).

  7. Leave the Integration Point Control ID field blank.

  8. Click the RUN button. This tells the system to process our orders that are sitting in the staging tables. You will automatically be taken to the Process Scheduler Request.

  9. Choose the Server Name, PSNT, and then click OK. You will return to the Electronic Commerce page.

  10. Click the Process Monitor link and examine the Run Status of your job. You are looking to see the status change from Posting to Success. Click Refresh repeatedly to see if the status has changed.

2. Order Completion (OMBACK)

The Order Completion process (OMBACK):

  • Performs order pricing, and does tax defaulting and tax calculations.

  • Processes estimated shipments and external freight calculations.

To run the OMBACK batch job:

  1. Navigate to select Order Management, then select Quotes and Orders, then select Process Orders, then select Order Completion

  2. Add a new Run Control ID.

  3. Select the same Business Unit you chose previously in the From Business Unit field.

    Note: The To Business Unit field automatically populates with the same Business Unit.

  4. In the From Order Number and To Order Number fields, select the entire range of your pending orders, and then click Run.

    Note: You will automatically be taken to the Process Scheduler Request.

  5. As with the previous job, choose the Server Name, PSNT, then click OK..

  6. Click the Process Monitor link, and examine the Run Status of your job. You are looking to see the status change from Posting to Success. Click Refresh repeatedly to see if the status has changed.

    Note: You can now view orders in the PeopleSoft SCM system.

3. Outbound Acknowledgement (OMEC Outbound)

The Outbound Publish process (OMEC Outbound) puts entries in the order acknowledgement queue, which are subsequently used to publish order acknowledgements to PeopleSoft CRM.

To run the OMEC batch job:

  1. In the FDM menu, navigate toselect Order Management, then select Electronic Commerce, then select Validate Staged Orders/RFQs.

  2. Select the Run Control ID you created when you ran OMEC.

  3. 3. Uncheck the Inbound Order/RFQ Activity check box, and check the Acknowledgement Queue.

  4. Click Run, and you will go to the Process Scheduler Request.

  5. Select the PSNT Server Name, and click OK.

  6. Click the Process Monitor link on the Electronic Commerce page.

  7. Examine the Run Status of your job. You are looking to see the status change from Posting to Success. Click Refresh repeatedly to see if the status has changed.

4. Data Exchange (Data Publish)

The Data Exchange job is used to publish the Sales Order Acknowledgement message to PeopleSoft CRM, using the information from the order acknowledgement queue.

To run the Data Publish job:

  1. In the FDM menu, navigate to select Data Exchanges, then select Publish Outbound Message.

  2. Select your existing Run Control ID.

  3. On the Publish Outbound Message screen, there are a variety of check boxes. Select the Sales Order Acknowledgement check box. The Sales Order Acknowledgement will change to a link. Click on this link.

  4. On the Order Acknowledgement Message Selection Criteria page, first choose your Business Unit and then select CRM as the Source Code. Leave everything else blank.

    Note: In the Outbound Messages Selected group box, Order Acknowledgement Queue is pre-selected.

  5. Click OK. This takes you back to the Publish Outbound Message page. Click Run.

  6. Enter PSNT as the Server Name, and click OK. Then click on the Process Monitor link.

If the orders are In Process, this means that you have run the entire cycle of SCM batch jobs successfully.

Note: If you navigate to select Order Management, then select Quotes and Orders, then select Create/Update Order and choose your business unit, you can search for any order and see that a specific order is In Process.

Understanding the Transformation Process

PeopleSoft delivers transformation rules that you can use when sending information to Order Management. The Application Engine program that performs the transformation has three stages:

  1. It evaluates products and packages that were ordered and transforms order lines as follows:

    1. Standard products are sent exactly as defined in the order line.

    2. Product packages are sent as packages, as there is a 1 to 1 mapping of information with Order Management here. However, lightly configured packages are broken into multiple order lines and packages contained in other packages are broken into multiple order lines. Each product included in the package within a package is given its own order line. For example, if Package 1 consists of product A and Package 2, while Package 2 consists of products B and C, then an order line for Package 1 is broken into three order lines: one each for products A, B, and C.

      Note: If you use PeopleSoft SCM and you set pricing at the package level (rather than the component level), no pricing details are sent; each component is sent with a price of zero. Therefore, if you are a SCM customer, pricing for dynamic packages needs to be at the component level.

  2. It performs an XSL transformation to structure the integration point data for Order Management.

  3. It adds SCM customer information (for example, bill to and ship to addresses) to the order data by looking at the tables (RB_INT_CUSTOMER and RB_INT_CUST_ADS) that map PeopleSoft CRM customer data to SCM customer data. This mapping is maintained by the Customer Sync integration point.

Note: If you use PeopleSoft SCM as your fulfillment system, you must keep customer and product data synchronized in the two systems. The Customer Sync and Product Sync integration points manage this synchronization.

Understanding the Message Content

This section describes certain parts of the order and quote messages published by CRM. For more details about the messages, refer to the integration point catalog and the message definitions. Order and quote messages published by PeopleSoft CRM include:

  • EXTERNAL_ID field from the Integration table RO_INTEGRATION: This is the ID that maps to the order or quote number in the fulfillment system.

  • Order Management business unit: This is the business unit that is associated with the Order Capture business unit (on the Order Capture Business Unit Definition page).

  • An order source code of “CRM”: If Order Management is your fulfillment system, this code affects certain processes. For example, Order Management allows CRM orders to be price protected.

  • Order line numbers: Order Capture expects the fulfillment system to carry the line numbers through the entire fulfillment process. For example, if an order has five lines and lines two, four, and five are sent to Order Management, then the order in Order Management has three order lines numbered 2, 4, and 5. This enables order line tracking even when different order lines are sent to different fulfillment systems.

  • Pricing: This includes order-level discounts, shipping, and tax information.

  • A price protection setting: This prevents Order Management from altering price information.

  • Order level discount information.

  • Giveaway information: The ORDER_LINE_TAG field ties a giveaway to a specific order line.

  • Credit card information: PeopleSoft stores encrypted credit card data, which is what the message sends.

  • Quote messages: Quotes include additional information specific to quotes, such as the quote due date and expiration date.