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Subscribing to ASNs

PeopleSoft Inventory publishes ASNs that provide the number of items that have shipped for a specific order line. These messages do not contain status information about items that have not shipped.

The Receive ASN integration point subscribes to the ASN message.

When PeopleSoft CRM receives an ASN, it updates statuses using the following logic:

  1. The shipped quantity from the ASN is added to any previously recorded quantity shipped.

  2. If the total shipped quantity is greater than or equal to the quantity ordered, the line and all items in the line have a status of Shipped.

  3. If the total shipped quantity is less than the quantity ordered, the system assumes that the items with the highest status were shipped and adjusts statuses accordingly.

Since status numbers increase as an item moves through the fulfillment process, the unshipped item with the highest status is considered the most likely item to have been shipped.

For example, consider the following status update history for an order line consisting of ten items:



Status From Message

Status Displayed in the Status By Quantity Section of the Order

10:00 am


10 In Fulfillment

10 In Fulfillment

1:00 pm


5 Shipped

5 Shipped

5 In Fulfillment

2:00 pm

Order status

10 Partially Shipped

10 Partially Shipped

5:00 pm


3 Shipped

3 Shipped

7 Partially Shipped

8:00 pm


2 Shipped

5 Shipped

5 Partially Shipped

10:00 pm


10 Shipped

10 Shipped

At 10:00 am, the order was submitted. An order acknowledgment message caused the system to set the status of all ten items to In Fulfillment.

At 1:00 pm, an ASN message indicated that five items had been shipped. Status changes for these five items and the remaining five items keep the status In Fulfillment.

At 2:00 pm, the order status message provided one status for all ten items of that order line, which will be displayed in the Line Details section and the Status By Quantity section of the order in the CRM system.

At 5:00 pm, an ASN message indicated that three more items were shipped. The system updates the Status By Quantity section after the receipt of this ASN message: three items with the status of Shipped and seven items with the status of Partially Shipped. Note that the update only reflects the change in item shipment gathered in this particular ASN message. Access the Package Tracking section of the order to view the total number of items that have been shipped successfully.

At 8:00 pm, an ASN message indicated that two items have shipped. The order will now show us that five have shipped and five are Partially Shipped (even though its true that all have shipped, we don't know that unless we look at the package tracking section).

At 10:00 pm, we receive an Order Status message, and it tells us that ten items have shipped, and now the CRM system shows ten Shipped.

Note: If an ASN is received for any component of a static package, the entire package is considered to have been shipped. When all products on the order have been marked either Shipped, Complete, or Cancelled, the order header status is set to Complete.