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Subscribing to Order and Quote Acknowledgements

In PeopleSoft SCM, the Batch Publish job publishes regular acknowledgments (the SALES_ORDER_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT and SALES_QUOTE_NOTICE messages) and change acknowledgements (the SALES_ORDER_CHANGE_NOTICE message) for orders that come from electronic commerce channels—that is, for orders that are entered into the SCM staging tables.

Note: Change acknowledgements are not published for orders that originate within PeopleSoft Order Management.

In CRM, the Receive Order Acknowledgement and Receive Quote Acknowledgement integration points subscribe to SCM messages, while the Receive Order Change Acknowledgement integration point subscribes to the change acknowledgement message. When PeopleSoft CRM receives a change acknowledgement, the order status and change history are updated, while rejected order changes are rolled back. When Order Capture receives a simple order acknowledgement, it updates the order header status to In Process, and it sets the order line statuses to the line status map that you established in the Integration Workbench. When an SCM order line status is set to Open, and this is the status that the acknowledgement message sends, Order Capture maps this to a status of In Fulfillment.

Change History was created with a status of Open when order changes were initially submitted. When the change acknowledgement is processed, changes that were accepted by the Fulfillment system are marked Confirmed, and changes that are not accepted are marked Rejected. When a requested change is rejected, the original values on the order are restored back to their values prior to the change. For example, if a quantity on an order line was increased from 1 to 2, and that change is rejected because the order line had shipped, the quantity is restored to 1 following the processing of the change acknowledgement.

Change Acknowledgement updates order statuses just as the Get Order Status integration point does, providing a current snapshot of the order status at the time the Change Acknowledgement was published. Order statuses are set based on the status mapping that you establish. The Change Acknowledgement also creates order notifications based upon the setup for the Order Capture business unit.

Notifications may be specified to go to the customer, the CSR, both, or none, based on the acceptance of the changes that were requested. In addition, when notifications are specified for the CSR, the notification is sent based on the CSR's preferred notification setting as found in the Worker component, which can be email, worklist, or both. Notifications to the customer are sent to the email address of the contact listed on the order, or for a consumer order, the consumer's email address. If there is no email specified for the contact or consumer, notifications cannot be sent to the customer. Email notifications show the changes requested, along with the acceptance status of Confirmed or Rejected, and display the order following the Change Acknowledgement processing. A CSR's Worklist notification is a link to the order in the Order Capture Worklist.