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Using the Shopping Cart

This section provides an overview of the shopping cart and discusses how to work from within the shopping cart.

Page Name

Definition Name


Shopping Cart Page


View the contents of the shopping cart, and then proceed to checkout.

The shopping cart displays all of the products that you select for an order or quote. You can perform these operations from the Shopping Cart page:

  • Update quantity and recalculate price.

  • Configure products or packages.

  • Remove products.

  • Proceed to checkout.

Use the Shopping Cart page (RE_CART) to view the contents of the shopping cart, and then proceed to checkout.

Image: Shopping Cart page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Shopping Cart page.

Shopping Cart page

Click the product's name to view product details.

Field or Control


Qty (quantity)

Update the quantity of a product.

Click the Recalculate button to determine new total charges.


Click this link to remove the line item from the shopping cart.

Click the Recalculate button to determine new total charges.

Configure Product icon

Click to select options for a product that is set up as a dynamic package with various options that you must choose, such as when a product must be custom-built. When you have configured the product with its various options, the system calculates a composite price. This icon is not available or applicable to all products.

See Defining Product Packages.


Click to update the price after changes to your selections, such as increasing or reducing the quantity of a product or after removing a product.


Proceed to checkout.

Continue Shopping

Return to the catalog to select additional or different products. When you click the Continue Shopping button, the system retains the contents of your shopping cart.

Note: When you have a product package in the shopping cart, it must be configured before you proceed to checkout. If a product has required attributes, you must specify the attribute value before you can proceed to checkout.