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Viewing Price Adjustments

This section discusses how to view price adjustment details.

Page Name

Definition Name


Price Adjustments Page


View details of the price changes that you made. You can view the pricing details for Line Adjustments, Summed and Manual Adjustments, and Order Adjustments.

Use the Price Adjustments page (RO_CAPTURELINE_ADJ) to view details of the price changes that you made.

You can view the pricing details for Line Adjustments, Summed and Manual Adjustments, and Order Adjustments.

Image: Price Adjustments page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Price Adjustments page showing price adjustments (manual) on one-time prices.

Price Adjustments page

Configuration and Attributes

This section displays the basic information of the product that is associated with the order line currently being viewed. In addition to the product ID and unit of measure, it shows the product's list price as well as the final net price after pricing adjustments are applied.

Note that only line level adjustments, not order level adjustments, are reflected in the final unit price in this section.

Line Adjustments - Rule Tab

This grid displays all of the adjustments applied by the system, including the price rules that are being applied to the lines.

Field or Control



Displays the net one-time price if the corresponding price rule applies to one-time price..

For adjustments that are summed, the price is displayed as zero and the summed value is displayed in the Summed and Manual Adjustments section.

Line Adjustments - Formula Tab

Information on this tab provides more detail about the rules that are being applied.

Line Adjustments - Pricing Keys Tab

Information on this tab lists the identifiers which indicate where the Price Rule condition was met.

Summed and Manual Adjustments

This grid displays the summed and manual adjustments that were applied to the order line. It is a manual adjustment if a percentage or an amount of discount or surcharge is applied to the list price. It is a price override if the net price is being updated in the field directly.

Order Adjustments

This grid displays the one-time price adjustments that have been applied for the total order.