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Viewing Related Actions

This section discusses how to view related actions and work with business projects.

Page Name

Definition Name


Order - Related Actions Page or Quote - Related Actions Page


View related actions for orders and quotes.

Use the Order - Related Actions page or Quote - Related Actions page (RO_ASSOCIATION) to view related actions for orders and quotes.

Image: Order - Related Actions page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Order - Related Actions page.

Order - Related Actions page

This page enables CSRs to view related actions for the order. A related object is data, such as a business project, that is associated with the order or quote. This data can reside in another PeopleSoft CRM application.

Related Actions

Field or Control


View Details icon

Click to open the related object in a new browser window.


This is the type of related action. Related actions include, but not limited to, business projects, product upsells, correspondence, and so on.

Business projects help organize process flow and are invaluable in tracing the order change activity. Order Capture business projects, including Order, Quote, and Order Maintenance business projects are discussed in the Understanding Order Capture Business Projects topic.