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Viewing the Order Bridge

This section discusses how to view the Order Bridge.

Page Name

Definition Name


Fulfillment Page


View detailed order-related events, such as business project instance details.

Use the Fulfillment page (RO_FULFILLMENT) to view detailed order-related events.

Field or Control


Business Project

A business project is a structured, workflow-enabled task list. It is used to coordinate and track the work involved in performing tasks. Usually, only one business project exists per order.


A phase is a group of tasks. Each phase has to be completed before it will transition to next one. A phase is completed when all tasks are completed or failed.


Basic unit of business projects.


An event is any transaction created in the system. It might occur in different components, and is uniquely identified.

Integration Broker

PeopleSoft Integration Broker facilitates synchronous and asynchronous messaging with other PeopleSoft applications and with third-party systems. PeopleSoft Integration Broker uses a variety of communication protocols, while managing message structure, message content, and transport disparities.

Application Engine Process

An Application Engine process is run for automatic tasks. It might create messages, sub-business projects, and transition to next task.

Sub-business project

Sub-business projects are business projects that are incorporated into phases of other business projects.