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Mailcaster Configuration Parameter Reference

The following table lists the configuration parameters that control the Online Marketing Mailcasters. Mailcaster configuration parameters are set in the MCR.config file.

Field or Control



Defines what the DES considers to be a “small” mailjob. In conjunction with the maxJobSize parameter, defines whether a Mailcaster is Small Job Priority or Large Job Priority.

The default value is 100.


If the Mailcaster is a small Mailcaster and this parameter is set to true, the Mailcaster is defined as a Small Job Only Mailcaster and will only process small jobs. If it is set to false, the Mailcaster can process both small and large jobs. Default is false.

smallJobOnly is ignored if the maxJobSize for a Mailcaster is greater than or equal to the smallAudienceThreshold.


The minimum size for a child mailjob. This value must be smaller than maxJobSize.

The default value is 2000.


The maximum size for a child mailjob. This value must be larger than minJobSize. In conjunction with the smallAudienceThreshold parameter, defines whether a Mailcaster is Small Job Priority or Large Job Priority.

The default value is 10000.


The percentage of a large job to use as a child job size. This value must be greater than 0; the default is 3.

Note that if the calculated percentage is smaller than minJobSize or larger than maxJobSize, these values are used instead of percentageJobSize.

Note also that when percentageJobSize is used to divide up a large job into equally-sized child jobs, any records remaining are included in their own (smaller) child job.


Defines the number of emails that are sent before the Mailcaster updates the database tables with information about the job. Setting this parameter to a low number results in more accurate reports in the Control Center but can slow down performance; setting it high increases performance but Control Center reports will be less up-to-date.

The default value is 100.


When a Mailcaster detects a hanging running job (that is, a job with status Running that has not been updated in the last two hours), this parameter is used to determine if the Mailcaster will try to recover it.

If the parameter is set to false, the Mailcaster will not try to recover the job and the Administrator must manually recover it. If it is set to true, the Mailcaster recovers the job automatically. In some cases this can result in the sending of duplicate emails. Default is true.


The time period, in hours, after which mail jobs will not be recovered. This parameter is commonly used when dealing with time sensitive audiences or mailings containing time sensitive information.

The value must be greater than 0, and the default value is 96.