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Retried Transactions

This section discusses:

Understanding Retried Transactions

It is possible that after Event Wire receives a processtrxn call from an external system, it cannot contact the specified Online Marketing dialog. One possible reason for this result is that the dialog is in Paused status.

When this result occurs, Event Wire logs the transaction in the Event Wire database and responds to the external system with a return code indicating that the transaction was not completed.

Through the Event Wire Control Center, you can set the Scheduler to periodically check the Event Wire database for incomplete transactions and to automatically retry the transaction. Since retries can occur long after the transaction was originally submitted, Event Wire does not issue any response to the external system as a result of completing a retried transaction.

Event Wire will only retry calls that are valid but fail for another reason. A valid call is one that is properly formatted and has all of the necessary parameters. Invalid calls are not retried.

Typical Reasons Why Calls Fail

A valid call to Event Wire can fail for a variety of reasons, such as:

  • Slow response time due to congestion on the network.

  • The network is down.

  • The Online Marketing dialog is in Paused status.

  • The Application Server is busy and cannot launch a new request from Event Wire to the Dialog Server.

Although Event Wire can automatically retry unsuccessful transactions, sometimes the external system will not receive a response to a call due to a network or other problem. To ensure that each call is handled correctly, you may want to set up the external system to track the Event Wire responses to the processtrxn calls, and resend any call that does not receive a response.