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Status Codes and Messages

The following table lists the status codes and messages returned by Event Wire.

Status Code

Status Message

Description and Solution


Successful call.

This is the normal response for successful calls.


Could not connect to the Dialog Server: <hostname>

The Dialog Server is not running. (Not currently used)


Invalid Dialog Page URL: <lpurl>

The lpurl did not match a known URL. Verify that there are no typographical errors in the URL and that you are using the correct URL.


Missing Wire required parameters

Not all of the Event Wire required parameters were included in the call.


Invalid method

The method specified is not a valid Event Wire method. The method must be either getparams, processtrxn, or gettrxnstatus.


No available page exists for the lpurl

The Dialog Server dialog ID may have changed due to a change in the dialog’s status. To resolve this, ensure that the dialog is live.


Duplicate trxnid

The transaction was processed previously and was successful. This message only appears when Transaction ID is set to Required in the Event Wire Control Center.


DB connection failed

Event Wire cannot establish a connection with the database. The values set in the configuration file may be incorrect or another problem may be inhibiting the connection.


Event Wire internal error

Restart the application server. If this error persists, report it to PeopleSoft technical support.


Invalid external system ID

Either the externid was specified incorrectly or it was not set up in the Event Wire Control Center.


Missing dialog page required parameters (could not submit)

Fields on the Landing Page that are specified as required in the Online Marketing dialog are missing from the processtrxn call.


Invalid p, q, or r value

The tracking number (magic number) being passed to Event Wire is not valid. The URL may have been generated while the dialog was in Testing status, or a mistake was made when specifying a static URL in the external system. Check and correct the URLs being used.


The dialog is paused

The Online Marketing dialog is paused. Event Wire can only access live dialogs. The transaction will be automatically retried if the Scheduler has been set for this external system.


Invalid date

A date specified in the gettrxnstatus call is not in the correct format. Correct the date format and resubmit the call.


Invalid trxnid

The value of the trxnid parameter is invalid (such as incorrect characters, or too long).


Invalid returntype

The value of the returntype parameter is invalid. The returntype must be either 0, 1, 2, or 3.


The dialog is inactive.

The dialog is not in an active status to accept requests. (For example, it might be in the In Design or Complete status.)


Invalid trxn log option

The value for dblog is not valid (valid values are 0, 1, and 2).


Invalid useDefaultValue option

The value for the useDefaultValue parameter is not 0 or 1.


Invalid dialog parameter value

The input parameter value is not one of the acceptable choices.


Missing Event Wire required parameters (could not submit)

An Event Wire required parameter (not covered by the other error messages) is missing or invalid.


r number points to an external web link

The target of the VC Web Link is an external URL. Event Wire only supports “r” magic numbers that point to a dialog standalone or landing page.


Webserver or DCS error

Possibly, the webserver is not able to forward the request from Event Wire to the Dialog Server or some other unexpected error has occurred. The transaction will be automatically retried if the Scheduler has been set for this external system.