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Understanding Dialog Statuses

A dialog’s status determines who can access the dialog and what can be done to it, such as making changes or testing the dialog.

Dialogs have two versions: the Live version and the Design version. The Design version is the one you work on; you can make changes to it without affecting anything visible to your customers. The Live version is the one that your customers see: once your Design version is set up the way you want it, you move it to Live so it is available to be seen by customers. Your Design version remains, and you can still make changes to it without changing the Live version.

Online Marketing uses the following dialog statuses:

Dialog State


In Design

When you initially create a dialog, its state is In Design. In this state, you can create and modify all the components of the dialog: documents, flow, and so forth. You can also generate the URLs to be used for any Web Link Promo or External Event Trigger actions in your dialog. While in this state, the dialog’s web pages cannot be accessed by the outside world.

From the In Design state, you can change the dialog’s state to Test and Live. You can also change directly to Archived if the dialog has never been Live.


The Test state allows you to try out your flow to make sure it works as intended. While a dialog is in this state, you cannot make changes to the dialog or any of its documents.

From the Test state, you can change the dialog’s state to In Design or Live.


Placing a dialog in Live state deploys the dialog. This starts the dialog’s flow, and makes the web pages of your dialog available to the outside world.

If you want to change a dialog while it is in Live state, you must first place the dialog in In Design state.

From the Live state, you can change the dialog’s state to Broadcast Hold, Paused, and Complete.

Broadcast Hold

Placing a dialog in the Broadcast Hold state pauses all outbound actions and leaves the dialog’s web pages accessible to the outside world. If you want to change a dialog while it is in Broadcast Hold, place the dialog in the In Design state and you can make changes to outbound and inbound actions of the In Design version. Changes you make will take effect once you move the In Design version to Live .

From the Broadcast Hold state, you can change the dialog’s state to Paused, Live, and Complete.


Placing a dialog in Paused state pauses all actions, so that you can make significant changes to the dialog and stage the dialog before redeploying it. In this state, none of the dialog’s web pages can be accessed by the outside world. To make changes to the dialog, place it in the In Design state first.

From the Paused state, you can change the dialog’s state to Broadcast Hold, Live, and Complete.


Placing a dialog in Complete state stops the dialog. The dialog is no longer Live and cannot be redeployed. All of the data gathered by the dialog is still available to CRM Analytics.

If there is currently a Design version of the dialog at this point, all the changes will be reverted such that there is only one Complete version.


Placing a dialog in Archived status makes no functional change; it simply provides a status that you can use to search for dialogs that are no longer used.