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Understanding Predefined Profiles

Online Marketing makes use of several predefined profiles: three system profiles and a few user profiles. The system profiles are designed to contain basic information about individuals and organizations. For example: name, address, email address, and telephone number. The profile attributes’ names and types have been predefined for you.

The three system profiles are called People, Companies, and Sales Leads. One of the predefined user profiles is called Privacy Options, and is used throughout Online Marketing. The rest of the predefined profiles are used for integration with PeopleSoft Campus Solutions.

This documentation provides the definitions of the fields in four of the predefined profiles. It contains the following sections:

Note: There are actually two Sales Leads system profiles: one is in the Individuals folder and the other is in the Companies folder. The two are identical; the Individuals profile is for individuals, while the Companies profile is for companies.

In addition, this document has an overview of the Campus Solutions profiles, but more information on them can be found in the Marketing/Campus Solutions documentation.

You should be aware that the Individuals and Organizations group names, as well as the People and Companies basic profile names are fixed in the English language, and will not change even if a non-English base language is specified.I If you swap to a non-English database and had translated these names, you must ensure that they are changed back to their English versions or Online Marketing will not function correctly.

Further, you should also be aware that the Profile and Attribute are not translatable in Online Marketing, but they are in Marketing. Since the Profile and Attribute name cannot change after the profile has been first activated, swapping the database violates that restriction. The base language name must be manually restored (via SQL) after a swap has occurred.