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Administering Email Job Reports

The Email Job Report shows the status of Mailcaster email jobs, and allows you to restart stopped or failed email jobs.

Page Name

Definition Name


Email Job Report Page


View information about individual mail jobs, and to restart stopped or failed jobs.

Use the Email Job Report page (RY_MAIL_JOBS) to view information about individual mail jobs, and to restart stopped or failed jobs.

Field or Control


Mail Job ID

The identifier of the mail job listed in the PS_RY_BULK_JOB table (an integer value). If the job is a child job and is finished, you can click the Mail Job ID to view more information about the child job.

Trigger ID

The identifier of the trigger that scheduled this broadcast email job.

Activity ID

The activity ID for this job. Large mailing events are often split into multiple child jobs handled by different bulk mailers. Each child job has the same Activity ID, allowing them to be associated with each other in reports.

Dialog Name

The dialog for which this broadcast email job was executed.

Job Queued Date/Time

The date and time when the mail job was entered in the queue.

Last Modified Date/Time

The date and time when the mail job's status last changed.

Number of Child Jobs

The number of smaller jobs into which the main job was divided.

Parent Job ID

The identifier of the parent email job.

Repeat Number

The number of times a trigger event has occurred. For the first iteration of a repeating trigger event, its Repeat Number is 1. Each subsequent time the event is repeated, its Repeat Number is incremented by one.

Job Status

The status of this job. The possible values for parent mailjobs are:

  • Parent Queued: The parent job is ready for the Mailcaster to execute.

  • Parent Assigning: The parent job is in process, but not all child jobs have been created.

  • Parent Assigned: The parent job has finished processing, but not all child jobs have finished running.

  • Parent Finished: All child jobs have finished running.

  • Parent Failed: All child jobs have failed.

  • Parent Partial Finished: Not all child jobs have finished or not all child jobs have failed.

The following status values apply to child or small mailjobs:

  • Recovering: The mailjob is ready for recovering. This status is used when administrators perform manual recovery. The administrator can set the job status to Recovering by stopping the job and restarting it using Control Center, then waiting for the Mailcaster to rerun the job. When the Mailcaster picks up the job, it is marked as Recovered.

  • Recovered: A new mailjob has been created for this mailjob. Refer to the Recovering status for more information.

  • Stopped while running: The job was stopped using the Control Center. If the job is restarted, it will be changed to the Recovering state.

  • Stopped while queued: The job was stopped while it was in a Parent Queued state. If the job is restarted, it will be changed back to a Parent Queued state.

Mailjobs can show the following additional statuses:

  • Running: The Mailcaster is executing this small or child job (sending out the emails).

  • Finished: The child or small job completed successfully.

  • Stopped: The small, child, or parent job was stopped (such as when a dialog is stopped or a milestone is deleted).

  • Stopping: When a Running job is stopped by the Stop button on the Control Center Mail Job page, the Control Center changes the status to Stopping. The mailcaster will change the status to Stopped once it has finished stopping the job. If the job isn't stopped in an appropriate amount of time then the Control Center will change the status to Stopped.

  • Queuing: The job is in the process of deduping.

  • Queued: The small job has finished deduping and is waiting to be handled by the Mailcaster.

  • Fail: The small or child job failed. You should investigate the cause of the failure by checking the Mailcaster log files.

  • Interrupted: A crash occurred while a dedup operation was taking place. This status is set after the scheduler restarts.

Trigger Name

The trigger that scheduled this broadcast email job. This is the name given to the trigger in Online Marketing.

Activity Name

The name of the action as configured in Online Marketing.

Message Queued

The number of email messages that have been processed by the Mailcaster. Until the job finishes running, this number will be different from the number listed in Message Sent, because the messages are sent one at a time to the SMTP server.

Message Sent

The number of email messages that have been sent to the mail server. While the job is running this number will be different (lower ) from the number listed in Messages Queued. Once a job has finished the two will often match; however it is not an error if they do not. If any email addresses were rejected by the mailserver then the sent count will be less than the queued count.

Instance ID

The numerical ID of the bulk mailer instance handling this job